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Friday, October 2, 2009

Psychology: PTSD and Dissociation

Author: Nick Arrizza, M.D.

Source: articleage.com

Many lay people are familiar with phenomenon of multiple personality disorder that in the last decade became renamed Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID for short. Over my 20 years in Psychiatric practice I saw my fair share of individuals with DID.Very simply the theory as to why DID exists goes something like this:When an individual experiences repeated incidents of severe trauma such as sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse during their lives, the emotional/physical pain associated with such memories become "split off" or "compartmentalized" in the mind/body as separate personalities.The supposed purpose of the compartmentalization is to keep, Psychology, the pain associated with such trauma out of consciousness so that the person does not feel overwhelmed, Psychology, by it and therefore can go on functioning to some degree.Unfortunately, this leads to a whole host of other problems. Specifically, the individual becomes prone to having these "alternate" personalities "taking charge" of the mind, Psychology, and body they exist in thereby overpowering what is called the "host personality". This is the personality, Psychology, that is supposedly the central one whose mind and body it is.During such "switches" in personality the host often can lose awareness, Psychology, of what is happening to them, only to find out at a later time that they have been absent. They, Psychology, often experience episodes of "lost time", being in places that they don't recall traveling to, wearing clothes they can't remember purchasing or putting on etc. As expected this leaves them feeling frightened and vulnerable.Over the last 25 years, Psychology, the phenomenon of DID has received its fair share of skepticism as a true psychological/psychiatric entity but has in recent years become more accepted.One of the main, Psychology, tenets of, Psychology, treating DID these days rests on the idea that the individual's personality has become, in a manner of speaking, "fragmented" or broken, Psychology, down into many "sub parts" and the healing process has thereby been directed and "re-integrating" all of the "parts".After many years of attempting this approach I, like others, have found that a plethora of personalities begin to emerge from the shadows and that this places the entire process of re-integration in serious jeopardy.In the last 10 years I decided to, Psychology, take a different tack on this problem which appears to have yielded interesting and promising results. This has involved the use of a new modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) that is effective in healing PTSD (i.e. post traumatic stress disorder) which can, Psychology, be considered a sub-category of DID.I recently presented this work at a conference, Psychology, hosted by the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation in Toronto, Canada.MRP works by helping to permanently release negative beliefs and memories from the mind/body of a traumatized individual. By doing so the individual heals and begins to regain their functional integrity.Employing MRP I conceptualized the sub-personalities seen in DID as "compartmentalized trauma" in the form of a "personality constellation". This is equivalent to the idea that a traumatic memory is a "constellation of negative beliefs/images/perceptions/emotions", Psychology, .Now since the MRP approach can quickly release trauma in whatever form I focused it on helping individuals "release" their "compartmentalized personalities" from their mind/body.So rather that "re-integrate", Psychology, the trauma it was released or more accurately "erased".To my surprise this led to a rapid and sustained positive effect on the individual's emotional state as well as their functional ability. It reduced the frequency of the "switches" that individuals with DID experienced. It also reduced the other problems that DID clients also experienced i.e. panic disorder, depression, suicidal gestures, fugues etc.I report this here as anecdotal evidence on the effectiveness of MRP but more so as a call to therapists treating DID and PTSD to re-consider their philosophical approaches to the treatment of these disorders.I feel, Psychology, that much can be gained from an open minded and fresh look at this serious problem.Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist,, Psychology, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called, Psychology, "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress, Psychology, Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional,, Psychology, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching, Psychology, sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.Business URL #1: http://www.telecoaching4u.com

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Is Your Erection Problem All In Your Head?

Author: Andrew S.Q. Taylor

Source: articledashboard.com

Now here's a subject that's bound to stir up some controversy ... or at least some interest! ED or Erectile Dysfunction (fancy phrase for weak erections, Psychology, or just a general erection problem) is much more common, Psychology, than the statistics show. Why? Because it's embarrassing! The average man is not gonna be proud to admit that he has a problem getting an erection. The ability to have good strong erections is a really basic way in which men measure their masculinity and self esteem. After all, that's what makes us men, right? As anyone with an, Psychology, erection problem will tell you (those that will admit it of course) there is nothing more frustrating and/or embarrassing as not being able to "get it up" when the time arises. (No pun intended) We feel like failures, we feel ashamed ... simply put ...we feel like "less of a man". Unfortunately an erection problem may be due to a combination of many complex problems. On the other hand it may be sometimes due to one simple issue! This is what makes ED such a complex condition even for, Psychology, the medical professionals to "fix". It's sometimes hard to isolate what's really causing it. Causes can range from libido issues, nutritional deficiencies, actual physical impediments, diseases, or even psychological issues. Because it's so hard to isolate, this can lead men to trying all manner of "cures" without really trying to find the cause, Psychology, of the erection problem. Believe it or not, one of the most common causes can simply be psychological. In other words, your erection problem may be all in your head! I remember when I thought I had the classic erection problem many, many years ago, Psychology, and was convinced that I was developing ED. (even though I was only in my early thirties!) However looking back I should have realized that it was all psychological because of the following factors.1. It started happening at the time that my relationship had sunk to an all time low.2. I had no erection problem when I wanted to masturbate.3. My libido was still as strong as ever.It was only at the time of trying to have intimate relations with my girlfriend that my "erection problem" would rear its ugly head! Of course at the time I never quite put two and two together and tried taking all sorts of "cures" for it. They never worked because my problem's cause wasn't due to any medical or physical issue! It was, Psychology, only after my relationship had ended and I had a short term relationship with someone else, did I realize I really, Psychology, didn't have an erection problem! My erections were as big, strong and hard are they had ever been. The kicker was that my ex and I had then decided to give it another go and we rekindled our relationship. My "erection problem" reappeared immediately! It didn't take a rocket scientist (or a doctor) to make me realize that my issues were obviously due to the whole mental mess surrounding that relationship. The fact was that I felt inadequate in my relationship for many different reasons. Couple this with the fact that it seemed at the time that my girlfriend was never really into me. (towards the end of the relationship when my erection problem appeared.) These combined with a few other "relationship issues" created feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. They also added up to intense pressure to "perform" which actually made my erection problem worse. In the surveys that, Psychology, I have conducted over the last four years, it seems that relationship problems are a small but very significant cause of erection,, Psychology, Psychology, problems. About five years ago, (many, many years after that relationship) I myself actually developed "real" ED and the problem, Psychology, for me was trying to find a natural solution for it. Since I had a really hard time reconciling myself to using drugs (for obvious reasons) for my situation, I searched far and wide for something that was affordable but effective, while at the same time being natural. Let me tell you, the search was not easy ... what with the "snake oil cures", the "medically approved, Psychology, and recommended" pills,, Psychology, potions, lotions, sprays, oils, patches, mechanical devices, vacuums, pumps, herbs and even hypnosis programs that are out there. So how do you find the ones that actually work? Well, that's for a whole different article!Good luck!Andrew S. Q. Taylor http://www.SexualDysfunctionHelp.com

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bach Therapy - The Solution to Your Body Balance

Author: Nakker David

Source: ezinearticles.com

Bach flowers were meant to break cerebral problems, Psychology, . If you are psychologically tortured, you will consistently face the botheration of cerebral or physique imbalances. Bach annual analysis will accordingly restore antithesis in your physique and advice you be aback on, Psychology, your anxiety again.Stressed and depressed humans who use Bach annual remedies are apprenticed to be stable. Bach annual analysis is consistently safe if acclimated and maintains the antithesis amid the physique and the mind. Already you are on Bach annual treatment, the abrogating affections are abandoned and you boring advance a able allowed system.Current analysis proves that a lot of diseases accept developed as a aftereffect of cerebral torture. The diseases accept resulted into added injuries to the body's allowed system. The Bach annual analysis is acclimated to fix this botheration using accustomed floral, Psychology, treatments.Your physique about needs accord of mind. You wish to be abroad from, Psychology, the accent and depressions, Psychology, that surrounds you. If you accept the accord of mind, you will be convalescent the allowed system. Bach annual therapies advises you on the blazon of aliment to take. The, Psychology, a lot of advised types, Psychology, are vitamins. Vitamins will advance the allowed system, therein attention you from diseases, Psychology, . Remember, the akin of your allowed arrangement, Psychology, has alone acutely because of the cerebral problems.Other remedies acclimated for beef testing is capital to, Psychology, accomplish your physique anatomy strong. This accurate blazon of medication lifts up your physique vibration. Already you accretion confidence, you will never be abashed or worried. You will yield altitude as accustomed, Psychology, and accompany your activity normally. Some humans abhorrence after specific cause, while others will accept a acumen for it. Similarly thoughts can be addictive and can end up accretion your worries. If you about-face to Bach annual remedy, you will be aback to normal.Massage Bach flowers analysis works on your anatomy and brains. You feel the accustomed floral aftereffect while your physique anatomy get to appearance in the advance of massaging. Bach flowers are able methods of accepting aback to balance. It cures all affecting imbalances including animal problems, allergies, insomnia, appetite and added problems. It is the arch amid the apperception and the body. For your physique to plan finer your, Psychology, apperception accept to be accommodating, Psychology, to cooperate. If the apperception is not at a position to plan with the body, you will never accomplish a able balance. At the end it is the allowed arrangement that will suffer. And already you lose your physique allowed system, it will be accessible for attacks. Diseases are the affliction enemies of the body, but if the "soldiers" are asleep what next do you apprehend but bloom imbalances that will ancient advance to death.Bach flowers are agents of affluent and abeyant energy. Those who use Bach annual analysis address a arresting advance, Psychology, in performance. They get bigger beddy-bye and accept a added blithesome activity than before. It is a accepted arch, Psychology, that diseases will shy abroad area there is happiness. Basically, Bach annual analysis is meant to advance your allowed arrangement and advice you get aback to your anxiety afresh (balance).

Tom Vermeersch is a psychologist and certified Bach Flower consultant, with more than 25 years experience in working with Bach Flower remedies, and a developer of several proven and very successful Bach Flower combinations.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Quit smoking side effects

Author: Ismail

Source: articlesbase.com

Most smokers who want to quit fail because of the quit smoking side effects, eliminating nicotine from your body is very hard and the battle can be harder than you think. Most quit smoking side effects, Psychology, are related to, Psychology, the blood sugar levels. Symptoms like inability to concentrate,, Psychology, dizziness or headaches may usually appear in the first three or four days. The quit smoking side effects are also called withdrawal symptoms and their intensity varies with each individual. All known statistics show that ex-smokers live, Psychology, longer and healthier than any smoker, and this should be a strong reason for anyone to quit. The battle with quit smoking side effects is tough particularly during the first days after quitting, you may feel irritable, confused, depressed or anxious. The cause for these quit smoking side effects is the reduced level of nicotine in the blood. Some therapists recommend the use of nicotine inhalers, nicotine gums or patches since they release a small quantity of nicotine in the blood reducing the quit smoking side effects. Smokers, Psychology, who already suffer from depression or anxiety can hardly quit as they use cigarettes as a relief, in such cases psychological treatment is a must. Quit smoking side effects will be very, Psychology, hard to deal with for people with a stressful life, as nicotine has a relaxing effect on the human body., Psychology, So in order, Psychology, to avoid severe quit smoking side effects the person should ask for professional help and attend ex-smoker discussions. Other quit smoking side effects which may appear include insomnia or putting on weight. Specialists say that putting between 5 and, Psychology, 10 pounds of weight after you quit smoking is one of the normal quit smoking side effects. The weight problem is caused by the low levels of sugar in your blood, Psychology, . After smoking the nicotine passes into the blood in a matter of seconds releasing sugar reserves from the body, sugar is vital to the brain normal functioning. But the sugar passes from normal food to the blood in about 20 minutes. One quit smoking side effect is that, Psychology, you will feel the need to eat because your brain is asking for sugar. The problem that people don't understand is that no matter how much you eat the body will still need 20 minutes to pass the sugar to the brain, so theoretically, Psychology, it won't be a big difference between eating a candy or ten of them. To find out more about smoking side effects surf the Internet or simply visit quit-smoking-expert


The Food Diary: The "Write" Way to Lose Weight

Author: Tony Robinson

Source: articleage.com

As a child, you may have kept a diary to record your dailyactivities, your hopes, and your fears. If you wrote in thediary each day, it might have seemed as if the diary itself hadbecome one of your best friends. As you grew older, the diarymight have become a record of your job search, love life, orwedding plans. Psychologists, in fact, tell us that writing downyour goals can be the first step to achieving, Psychology, them. It has beendemonstrated that individuals who kept a written record of theirhunt for employment were more likely to find the job they wantedthan those who did not. It's not surprising, then, that some dieticians recommendkeeping a food diary or journal if you're hoping to lose weight.If you're not accustomed to writing, the idea can seem a bitdaunting, Psychology, at first. After all, if you don't seem to have the timeto record all of your baby's "firsts"--the first words, thefirst steps, the first day of reciting the alphabet--how can yoube expected to find the time to write down everything thatpasses through your lips? It's a valid question; however, if youstop to consider just how much time you spend eating, surely youcan find the time to write down what you eat. The key to keeping, Psychology, a food diary is motivation. You have to havea desire to record your food choices. One good way to do this isto place a picture of your heaviest self onto the cover of anotebook. Also, make sure that you keep the notebook in fullview, either on your bedside table or on the kitchen table. Thiscould, Psychology, provide you with just the incentive, Psychology, you need to make noteof what you're eating. Another motivating factor could be to log your daily weight atthe beginning of each diary entry. That way, you can see if yourdietary choices are having an effect on your weight. If you findthat you are shedding pounds, you can affix a gold star next toyour entry. The gold star can provide the psychological boostnecessary to continue to lose weight. Of course, the next question you'll face is: What exactlyshould I write down for each entry? To begin with, just includea running list of foods, along with portion sizes. You might besurprised to find out not only what you're eating, but also howlarge the portions are. Next, categorize each food entry. Is ita fruit, vegetable, whole grain, or fat? Such information couldbe vitally important in determining, Psychology, where your excess, Psychology, pounds arecoming from. You can also use your journal for meal planning. If you thinkabout what you should eat ahead of time, you'll be less likelyto indulge, Psychology, in, Psychology,, Psychology, the wrong foods. Such planning can make you feelmore, Psychology, organized, Psychology, and more in control--two important elements forlosing weight. If you indulge in comfort food every once in a while, don'tpanic. Eating high-calorie foods occasionally can help prevent afeeling of deprivation which can lead to overeating. The key isto eat "bad foods" in moderation. It is also important, Psychology, that youwrite down everything you eat, including fatty foods. Trying tohide your food choices by not writing them down iscounter-productive and, Psychology, could lead to feelings of guilt. Yet another helpful idea is to write down your goal weight eachday. This can be an important element of psychological warfare.Knowing what your goal is--and mapping out a way to getthere--can improve your chances of achieving criticalmilestones. Also, when possible, try to make your diary experience fun. Doyour writing on the patio, by the pool,, Psychology, or in your bathtub. Setthe mood by playing some of your favorite music in thebackground. Decorate your diary by using colored pens orcolorful stickers. Whatever you can do to make yourdiary-keeping chores more interesting will certainly be helpful. Be aware of the fact that it could take you a while to get intothe diary-keeping habit. But, once you see those pounds meltaway, you'll find it's well, Psychology, worth the investment of time andenergy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Psychological Benefits Of Exercise

Author: Ciara Carruthers

Source: isnare.com

In this article, I will explore the many benefits, Psychology, of aerobic exercise, but specifically, I will talk about the psychological, Psychology, benefits of aerobic exercise, which to my (healthy and happy) mind is almost more important. After all, an unhealthy mind is an unhealthy body!But, what IS aerobic exercise??According to the definition from the Global Healing Centers website, "Aerobic exercise is a type of movement such as running or cycling that gets your heart pumping faster and increases your oxygen intake."Fine examples of aerobic exercise are;, Psychology, running, dynamic yoga, cycling, fast walking, circuit training, skiing and rollerblading.Ok, so we are all told we need to partake in aerobic exercise to obtain many benefits, such as, weight loss, better skin and muscle tone. But that's not all! There are psychological benefits of aerobic exercise too!So, what are the psychological, Psychology, benefits, Psychology, of aerobic exercise?In short, the benefits are; improved mood, reduces anxiety, reduces depression and acts as a buffer against stress.But lets go into a little more detailThe Psychological PayoffsMood EnhancerWhen, Psychology, we exercise aerobically, our bodies produces little chemical called endorphins, which, scientifically speaking, are polypeptides, which are able, Psychology, to bind to the neuron-receptors in the brain to give relief from pain. Endorphins are not just produced from exercise; they are also triggered by deep-breathing,, Psychology, meditation, eating spicy food and deep, Psychology, laughter. Just don't, Psychology, do all five at onceEndorphins are believed to produce four key effects on the body; they relieve pain, they reduce stress, they enhance the immune system and they postpone the aging process.It may be worth your while to stock up on some fitness equipment, they might make things easier for you. I prefer to exercise outside but I do have an indoor stationary bike, that way, if it's raining, I have no excuse not to exercise.Reduces Anxiety and DepressionDepression, Psychology, and Anxiety can lead to a feeling of isolation. Partaking in aerobic sports, one can choose to join a running club, swimming club, gym or any other sports club. It's an excellent way, Psychology, to gain the psychological benefits of aerobic activity, because it gets you out an about and can put you in positions where you HAVE to speak to people.Aerobic exercise offers a distraction. For an, Psychology, hour or so each day, you can put yourself in a position where you are too busy worrying about the prospect of having to run another two miles before you can stop.Burning excess fat and toning up can boost anyone's confidence. Clothes fit better, and you receive compliments from friends. Which often is enough to begin to lift the heavy cloud of a mild depression.Stress ReductionDo you feel like the whole world is collapsing on top of you? I think everyone does at one stage or another. If you keep positive, it will pass. Aerobic exercise is a great way to keep positive. When you are stressed, it is important to get enough sleep. Exercisers actually go to sleep faster, are more refreshed and have sharper memories. Exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, bringing extra sugar and oxygen, which can help when concentrating. And once again, the little endorphins, Psychology, can make you happier, making you feel like maybe it will all be ok after all.So, in conclusion, exercise! There are too many benefits that you will be missing out on if you don't.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Relaxing Into Reiki - Part 2

Author: Anna Pizzoferrato

Source: articleage.com

FUTURE OR PAST EVENTReiki distance healing energy can be sent to a past or future event. A childhood trauma can be relieved of its grip on a suffering adult. An important exam or presentation can be performed with a commanding calmness. A Reiki II trained police officer can send Reiki into a home where a disturbed individual is about to harm themselves or others. Reiki sent to hospice patients could reduce the pain and anxiety of those about to expire. Peace would replace fear. One preparing for surgery could experience less pain, lose less, Psychology, blood, and, Psychology, have a faster recovery. I choose the word, Psychology, "could" because the use of the energy is determined by the recipient's soul. The only guarantee is that the Reiki energy is going to the highest good...it is always does.SITUATIONS & CORPORATIONSSituations, Psychology, can often benefit from Reiki energy. The Reiki energy gently works, Psychology, to produce harmony and clarity where anxiety and discord had prevailed. Both the home and workplace are excellent targets of Reiki energy. Relationships that are "stuck" are moved toward the highest good of all. The end results could be, Psychology, resolution or dissolution. All parties will have the opportunity to move toward their higher good. Corporate teams across the country have been utilizing Reiki as a gentle catalyst toward harmony and greater productivity. Dysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and, Psychology, trust while corporations reap the benefits. Homes and workplaces that just didn't "feel good" have been cleared of negative residual energies using Reiki's infinite power.EMOTIONAL PARALYSISEmotional paralysis resulting from an unexpected loss, event or confrontation responds quickly to hands-on or remotely sent Reiki energy. The individual will experience a calmness and clarity, Psychology, that will help them make rational decisions as to their course of action. Thus far, a majority of my Reiki distance energy treatments are to individuals who have lost their ability to function due to an emotional upset. Hurts inflicted by loved ones rank high on the list for producing an emotional paralysis. The individual is so gripped with emotion that they cannot even secure medical or psychological assistance. I am still, Psychology, in awe as to the power of Reiki to bring peace to where there was once chaos.REIKI DISTANCE TREATMENTS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCEThe, Psychology,, Psychology, beauty of Reiki distance, Psychology, healing is it's practicality and it's power. As a trained scientist, I can understand the need to have more than anecdotal evidence. Only after I experienced the power of Reiki first hand did I truly believe in its authentic power.For those of you who would like to seek out some data, I can direct you to some scientific evidence. Distance Reiki is energy directed like a powerful prayer. By "prayer" I am speaking of directing your energy rather than asking for divine favors. Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies on the power of prayer. Before Dr. Dossey's early book, "Healing, Psychology, Words" was published in 1993, only three U.S. medical schools had courses exploring the role of prayer in health. Currently, nearly fifty medical schools offer such courses. The majority of them use Dr. Dossey's books as the textbooks for the courses. References are made, Psychology, to controlled double-blind experiments with unknowing groups of human patients., Psychology, The results affirm the undeniable power of prayer.A second set of experiments that can be researched are those conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift. Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of humans. The choice of less, Psychology,, Psychology, complex subjects reduced the variables inherent in human studies. As expected, prayer significantly affected the germination of seeds as well as vitality of various lower organisms such as yeast and molds, Psychology, .As a certified and experienced Reiki Master/Teacher, I view the acceptance of Reiki energy as both preventative and healing intervention. The amount of time and sessions required varies from individual to individual. I have observed that major life changes and physical healings may take some time. It took a bit of time to create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and trust is helpful. On occasion, illnesses that are being forced from the body actually get worse before they get better. This is when it is so very important to continue with the treatments. As your body is working to rid itself of toxins, it is extremely important to drink large quantities of water and, Psychology, continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and recommendations. Reiki should not be used as a substitute for medical, Psychology, care. It should be used as a compliment to professional medical/psychological care, medications and recommendations, Psychology, .Anna Pizzoferrato is a multi-certified Reiki Master/Teacher. Her passion and specialty is Reiki Distance Energy Healing. Visit her site to take advantage of her powerful healing service. http://www.ReikiWithTrust.com