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Friday, September 25, 2009

Anxiety And Panic Attacks Ruining Your Life

Author: yourkidsshop

Source: articledashboard.com

Anxiety and panic attacks, Psychology, terms are used interchangeably so often that they have come to be regarded as the same thing. Panic attacks and anxiety are related phenomena, and the symptoms of a panic attack may include hyperventilation.Anxiety, Psychology, and panic attacks are horrifying experiences and are much more common than sufferers think. Depending on what research you read they either strike more than 10 million people or affect as many as 15% of all adults. Whichever figure you look at though,, Psychology, I am sure you will agree, Psychology, it is a massive problem affecting women more often than men.Anxiety and Panic disorders becomes classified as a mental illness when the condition causes enough distress to reduce ones ability to function socially, occupationally, or psychologically. During a panic attack, unless you were medically, Psychology, educated, you might think you were having a heart attack, or some other form of medical crisis. Although when they get to this level they are both considered psychiatric conditions, they can be the easiest of all to treat and in most cases are highly treatable. Anxiety and panic attacks are an emotional and physical reaction to a threat, whether that threat is real or perceived. The attacks are often associated with shallow, rapid patterns of breathing and can respond to muscle relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that form a part of many complementary therapies.It doesn't matter from what walk of life you come from anxiety and panic attacks are non discriminatory, Psychology, and they appear in situations, Psychology, where your usual skills and talents seem to make no difference, so telling yourself to calm down, doesn't work that, Psychology, well. The attacks seem to be self-perpetuating and they need prompt and effective intervention. Although anxiety and panic attacks are similar, panic attacks are more high pitched than anxiety.Anxiety and panic attacks are very frightening and very real to the person suffering the attack and no matter what anybody says they are medical conditions as real to the person as if they were suffering from heart disease. Although they are very scary once you stop letting the fears take over, you'll feel more in control. Which is the first step in recovery, Psychology, . You may be particularly vulnerable to anxiety and panic attacks if you are suffering from medical conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, severe pain or medical obesity, Psychology, .Symptoms can include but are not limited, Psychology, to are: Rapid heart beat, palpitations (awareness of your heart beating), raised blood pressure feeling of tightness in the chest, breathlessness and hyperventilation (rapid, shallow breathing) sweating, pallor, chest pains,, Psychology, feelings, Psychology, of light-headedness and dizziness. Shaking and trembling pins and needles (caused by hyperventilation) usually in hands or feet. Feeling of intense fear and/or impending doom headaches and muscular aches and pains. Insomnia,, Psychology, irritability, nightmares fatigue digestive disturbances, e.g., abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea and/or vomiting. Feeling cut off from yourself and other people, fear of dying, desensitization, depersonalization, feeling of unreality, depression, numbness and difficulty falling or staying, Psychology, asleep. symptoms of panic attacks, feelings of unreality, bodily sensations, body muscles, nausea and diarrhoea, natural instinct, flight reaction, derealisation, muscle, Psychology, tension, abdominal distress, tightness in chest, pounding heart,Anxiety and panic attacks are a relatively short period of very intense fear and can start, Psychology, with an unpleasant feeling in the throat and a sudden shortness, Psychology, of breath. Anxiety and panic attacks usually last for 10 minutes but more severe attacks may last up to two hours. They may be part of an underlying anxiety disorder such as phobias (irrational fear, Psychology,, Psychology, of, for example, crowds or open spaces), obsessive compulsive disorder (recurrent thoughts and repetitive behaviour), post-traumatic stress, depression or other psychological problems. Or anxiety can come about as a result of pressure at work, in school, at home or even when having a major event or change in your life like death of loved one or divorce.Anxiety and panic attacks are disorders and although you might be able to put a quick fix together during attacks it is important that you find treatment to free yourself from this disorder and eliminate anxiety and panic attacks permanently. Anxiety medication may not work as it may mask the symptoms and when you stop taking the medication the attacks generally flare back up again. Ultimately because anxiety medication is superficial, it doesn't treat the root cause of your anxiety.

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