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Sunday, September 20, 2009

ADHD Diagnosis - How to Know If Your Child Suffers From ADHD

Author: Judy Lane

Source: ezinearticles.com

If you think your kid may have ADHD, don't do self ADHD diagnosis. Instead, seek medical help from a pediatrician, child psychologist or expert immediately. Sometimes, hyperactivity can be mistaken for ADHD when it could be a different, Psychology, case and would need a different attention.

Upon going to the doctor, your child may be required to undergo certain diagnostic tests. ADHD is actually diagnosed, Psychology, based on the observation of the child's behavior patterns and ways and rule out other conditions.

Below is a list of evaluation methods to be used in the diagnosis of ADHD:

• Thorough medical and family background - All information related to the personality of the patient will be checked by the doctor.

• General physical and neurological, Psychology, exam - Since ADHD manifests in the action of the child, it is therefore fitting, Psychology, to undergo physical tests to see the limits of his physical activity. At the same time, since it could also be a mental concern, neurological exams are on the plate to see if there are inconsistencies and irregularities which cause ADHD.

• Comprehensive interview with the parents, the, Psychology, child and the child's teachers - Aside from the medical records, the parents (and maybe other family members), as well as the child's teachers will be interviewed to check on their medical history and if it would, Psychology, have an effect on why the child has these behaviors. Sometimes, these can be caused by psychological factors such as depression, loneliness and insecurity. School is involved because it acts as the child's second home and while there may be no causes of, Psychology, psychological instability at home, it may be triggered in school.

• Standardized screening tools for ADHD - There are certain tests which are more or less determinant of ADHD and these should also form part of the evaluation process.

• Observation of the child - The child would be confined in a room wherein he would be free to do things he wants to do. There may be certain toys and things there that he could use and play with and doctors will be writing down all observed traits at the time of evaluation.

• Variety of psychological tests to measure IQ and social and emotional adjustment - We cannot reiterate the importance of these tests, no matter how time consuming they are. This particular set measures the intelligence and social skills of the child.
Once all these are undergone by the child and ADHD diagnosis has been given, then the next step is to look for treatment. Here are some popular options:

• Love and support of family and, Psychology, friends. Not just love and support but an abundant supply of it. Kids would definitely feel the love and understanding of each member as they, Psychology, battle ADHD.

• Therapies from child psychologists would also do wonders because the child will have an outlet and say what he wants to say with an unbiased person in front of him.

• Medication such as psychostimulants, non-stimulants and off-labels can relieve ADHD. The most popular drug choice is methylphenidate which dates way back the 1930s. But like all medicines, they have side effects and we may or, Psychology, may not feel them while taking the medicines.

• Homeopathic remedies such as natural supplements are starting to make waves in the market. These are because of its natural ingredients, as well as its backed up research which proves that it works effectively.

These natural remedies are becoming more popular, Psychology, because of the use of herbs and plant extracts known, Psychology, to reduce restlessness, over-excitability,, Psychology, constant stimulation, reduce, Psychology, temper tantrums, and sooth nerves. Examples of these are Hyoscyamus, Tuberculinum, Arsen iod and Verta alb. When you see all of these ingredients in a product, you can be assured that it has the trust seal on keeping its promises and make it effective.

Once our child receives ADHD diagnosis, be sure to choose a 100% homeopathic, safe and natural remedy. Read more at http://www.best-natural-adhd-treatment.com

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