Always trying, Psychology, to learn whatever I can about panic attacks,, Psychology, and always thinking outside of the box, I came upon some interesting information regarding the potential role of prenatal and perinatal happenings in the generation of panic. It’s pretty heady stuff, and I wanted to share it with you.ÂÂFirst of all, let’s get some terminology handled. Prenatal psychology considers the psychological and psychophysiological impact of an individual’s before-birth, Psychology,, Psychology, experience. While perinatal psychology deals with the same impact considerations from the perspective of the birth, and immediately after, experience. The presentation of assorted psychopathology, including panic, due to both prenatal and perinatal experience has been documented in research, as well as in clinical practice. Impacting factors, and some of these are going to come off as really wild, may, Psychology, include… PrenatalImmediate-family emotional traumaAn unplanned or unwanted pregnancySevere maternal emotional traumaHigh levels of maternal stressMaternal substance abuseA violent outside-of-the-womb environment PerinatalA life threatening, or unusually fast or long, laborThe umbilical cord wrapped around the baby’s neckThe baby getting stuck upon deliveryMaternal tension during labor and deliveryAdministration of an anesthetic or labor-inducing medication â€" e.g.: oxytocin (Pitocin)C-section deliveryForceps or vacuum extractionBonding issues with mother and family And while we’re at it, let’s take a look at what, Psychology, a baby may well be, Psychology, experiencing pre and perinatally. By the way, any of these sound like what occurs during a panic attack?Breathing difficultyFeelings of suffocationFeeling trapped with the inability to escapeChest tightnessHeart palpitationsDizzinessNumbnessPhysical painHot and/or burning skin sensationsChills and/or a sensation, Psychology, of being coldGastrointestinal distressFrightFeelings, Psychology, of loss of controlÂI find these, Psychology, considerations intriguing and most plausible. Of course prenatal and perinatal trauma can be retained, Psychology, in memory throughout the lifespan. I mean, why wouldn’t it be possible that our components of memory are operational so early on in life? Finally, it’s no secret that seemingly harmless events in the immediate may trigger thoughts and body sensations whose roots are in the distant past. It all makes perfect sense to me. After doing my research, Psychology, for this section, I went so far as to phone my mother and ask if anything goofy happened before, during, or after my birth adventure. It was really need to know information at the time, though I’m sure my mother believed I was off my rocker. In closing, I’d ask you to ponder these questions...ÂSo, prenatal and perinatal psychology and panic - what did you learn and what do you think? If you’ve ever discussed your prenatal and perinatal experience with either of your parents, or other family members, please note if anything you’ve learned fits with what we’ve reviewed. Also note if such discussions are merited, if they haven’t already taken place. Â
After a life-long bout with panic disorder - and recovery - and a career in the business world, Bill found his life\'s passion, his life\'s work. So he earned his master\'s degree and counseling credentials, and he's now doing all he can to lend a hand to those having a tough time.
Bill authored a panic disorder education and recovery eworkbook entitled, \"Panic! ...and Poetic Justice,\" which is available on his website and online store for immediate download. Also available is information regarding a collection of poems he wrote along his panic disorder and recovery journey entitled, \"The Poetry of My Life.\" Lots of good stuff to see, and more to come.
In addition to doing psychiatric emergency work, Bill continues to do a lot of writing. He's conducted numerous mental health workshops for non-profit organizations and remains available to offer more. Bill is a national and local member of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (N.A.M.I.).
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