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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Is Your Erection Problem All In Your Head?

Author: Andrew S.Q. Taylor

Source: articledashboard.com

Now here's a subject that's bound to stir up some controversy ... or at least some interest! ED or Erectile Dysfunction (fancy phrase for weak erections, Psychology, or just a general erection problem) is much more common, Psychology, than the statistics show. Why? Because it's embarrassing! The average man is not gonna be proud to admit that he has a problem getting an erection. The ability to have good strong erections is a really basic way in which men measure their masculinity and self esteem. After all, that's what makes us men, right? As anyone with an, Psychology, erection problem will tell you (those that will admit it of course) there is nothing more frustrating and/or embarrassing as not being able to "get it up" when the time arises. (No pun intended) We feel like failures, we feel ashamed ... simply put ...we feel like "less of a man". Unfortunately an erection problem may be due to a combination of many complex problems. On the other hand it may be sometimes due to one simple issue! This is what makes ED such a complex condition even for, Psychology, the medical professionals to "fix". It's sometimes hard to isolate what's really causing it. Causes can range from libido issues, nutritional deficiencies, actual physical impediments, diseases, or even psychological issues. Because it's so hard to isolate, this can lead men to trying all manner of "cures" without really trying to find the cause, Psychology, of the erection problem. Believe it or not, one of the most common causes can simply be psychological. In other words, your erection problem may be all in your head! I remember when I thought I had the classic erection problem many, many years ago, Psychology, and was convinced that I was developing ED. (even though I was only in my early thirties!) However looking back I should have realized that it was all psychological because of the following factors.1. It started happening at the time that my relationship had sunk to an all time low.2. I had no erection problem when I wanted to masturbate.3. My libido was still as strong as ever.It was only at the time of trying to have intimate relations with my girlfriend that my "erection problem" would rear its ugly head! Of course at the time I never quite put two and two together and tried taking all sorts of "cures" for it. They never worked because my problem's cause wasn't due to any medical or physical issue! It was, Psychology, only after my relationship had ended and I had a short term relationship with someone else, did I realize I really, Psychology, didn't have an erection problem! My erections were as big, strong and hard are they had ever been. The kicker was that my ex and I had then decided to give it another go and we rekindled our relationship. My "erection problem" reappeared immediately! It didn't take a rocket scientist (or a doctor) to make me realize that my issues were obviously due to the whole mental mess surrounding that relationship. The fact was that I felt inadequate in my relationship for many different reasons. Couple this with the fact that it seemed at the time that my girlfriend was never really into me. (towards the end of the relationship when my erection problem appeared.) These combined with a few other "relationship issues" created feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. They also added up to intense pressure to "perform" which actually made my erection problem worse. In the surveys that, Psychology, I have conducted over the last four years, it seems that relationship problems are a small but very significant cause of erection,, Psychology, Psychology, problems. About five years ago, (many, many years after that relationship) I myself actually developed "real" ED and the problem, Psychology, for me was trying to find a natural solution for it. Since I had a really hard time reconciling myself to using drugs (for obvious reasons) for my situation, I searched far and wide for something that was affordable but effective, while at the same time being natural. Let me tell you, the search was not easy ... what with the "snake oil cures", the "medically approved, Psychology, and recommended" pills,, Psychology, potions, lotions, sprays, oils, patches, mechanical devices, vacuums, pumps, herbs and even hypnosis programs that are out there. So how do you find the ones that actually work? Well, that's for a whole different article!Good luck!Andrew S. Q. Taylor http://www.SexualDysfunctionHelp.com

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bach Therapy - The Solution to Your Body Balance

Author: Nakker David

Source: ezinearticles.com

Bach flowers were meant to break cerebral problems, Psychology, . If you are psychologically tortured, you will consistently face the botheration of cerebral or physique imbalances. Bach annual analysis will accordingly restore antithesis in your physique and advice you be aback on, Psychology, your anxiety again.Stressed and depressed humans who use Bach annual remedies are apprenticed to be stable. Bach annual analysis is consistently safe if acclimated and maintains the antithesis amid the physique and the mind. Already you are on Bach annual treatment, the abrogating affections are abandoned and you boring advance a able allowed system.Current analysis proves that a lot of diseases accept developed as a aftereffect of cerebral torture. The diseases accept resulted into added injuries to the body's allowed system. The Bach annual analysis is acclimated to fix this botheration using accustomed floral, Psychology, treatments.Your physique about needs accord of mind. You wish to be abroad from, Psychology, the accent and depressions, Psychology, that surrounds you. If you accept the accord of mind, you will be convalescent the allowed system. Bach annual therapies advises you on the blazon of aliment to take. The, Psychology, a lot of advised types, Psychology, are vitamins. Vitamins will advance the allowed system, therein attention you from diseases, Psychology, . Remember, the akin of your allowed arrangement, Psychology, has alone acutely because of the cerebral problems.Other remedies acclimated for beef testing is capital to, Psychology, accomplish your physique anatomy strong. This accurate blazon of medication lifts up your physique vibration. Already you accretion confidence, you will never be abashed or worried. You will yield altitude as accustomed, Psychology, and accompany your activity normally. Some humans abhorrence after specific cause, while others will accept a acumen for it. Similarly thoughts can be addictive and can end up accretion your worries. If you about-face to Bach annual remedy, you will be aback to normal.Massage Bach flowers analysis works on your anatomy and brains. You feel the accustomed floral aftereffect while your physique anatomy get to appearance in the advance of massaging. Bach flowers are able methods of accepting aback to balance. It cures all affecting imbalances including animal problems, allergies, insomnia, appetite and added problems. It is the arch amid the apperception and the body. For your physique to plan finer your, Psychology, apperception accept to be accommodating, Psychology, to cooperate. If the apperception is not at a position to plan with the body, you will never accomplish a able balance. At the end it is the allowed arrangement that will suffer. And already you lose your physique allowed system, it will be accessible for attacks. Diseases are the affliction enemies of the body, but if the "soldiers" are asleep what next do you apprehend but bloom imbalances that will ancient advance to death.Bach flowers are agents of affluent and abeyant energy. Those who use Bach annual analysis address a arresting advance, Psychology, in performance. They get bigger beddy-bye and accept a added blithesome activity than before. It is a accepted arch, Psychology, that diseases will shy abroad area there is happiness. Basically, Bach annual analysis is meant to advance your allowed arrangement and advice you get aback to your anxiety afresh (balance).

Tom Vermeersch is a psychologist and certified Bach Flower consultant, with more than 25 years experience in working with Bach Flower remedies, and a developer of several proven and very successful Bach Flower combinations.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Quit smoking side effects

Author: Ismail

Source: articlesbase.com

Most smokers who want to quit fail because of the quit smoking side effects, eliminating nicotine from your body is very hard and the battle can be harder than you think. Most quit smoking side effects, Psychology, are related to, Psychology, the blood sugar levels. Symptoms like inability to concentrate,, Psychology, dizziness or headaches may usually appear in the first three or four days. The quit smoking side effects are also called withdrawal symptoms and their intensity varies with each individual. All known statistics show that ex-smokers live, Psychology, longer and healthier than any smoker, and this should be a strong reason for anyone to quit. The battle with quit smoking side effects is tough particularly during the first days after quitting, you may feel irritable, confused, depressed or anxious. The cause for these quit smoking side effects is the reduced level of nicotine in the blood. Some therapists recommend the use of nicotine inhalers, nicotine gums or patches since they release a small quantity of nicotine in the blood reducing the quit smoking side effects. Smokers, Psychology, who already suffer from depression or anxiety can hardly quit as they use cigarettes as a relief, in such cases psychological treatment is a must. Quit smoking side effects will be very, Psychology, hard to deal with for people with a stressful life, as nicotine has a relaxing effect on the human body., Psychology, So in order, Psychology, to avoid severe quit smoking side effects the person should ask for professional help and attend ex-smoker discussions. Other quit smoking side effects which may appear include insomnia or putting on weight. Specialists say that putting between 5 and, Psychology, 10 pounds of weight after you quit smoking is one of the normal quit smoking side effects. The weight problem is caused by the low levels of sugar in your blood, Psychology, . After smoking the nicotine passes into the blood in a matter of seconds releasing sugar reserves from the body, sugar is vital to the brain normal functioning. But the sugar passes from normal food to the blood in about 20 minutes. One quit smoking side effect is that, Psychology, you will feel the need to eat because your brain is asking for sugar. The problem that people don't understand is that no matter how much you eat the body will still need 20 minutes to pass the sugar to the brain, so theoretically, Psychology, it won't be a big difference between eating a candy or ten of them. To find out more about smoking side effects surf the Internet or simply visit quit-smoking-expert


The Food Diary: The "Write" Way to Lose Weight

Author: Tony Robinson

Source: articleage.com

As a child, you may have kept a diary to record your dailyactivities, your hopes, and your fears. If you wrote in thediary each day, it might have seemed as if the diary itself hadbecome one of your best friends. As you grew older, the diarymight have become a record of your job search, love life, orwedding plans. Psychologists, in fact, tell us that writing downyour goals can be the first step to achieving, Psychology, them. It has beendemonstrated that individuals who kept a written record of theirhunt for employment were more likely to find the job they wantedthan those who did not. It's not surprising, then, that some dieticians recommendkeeping a food diary or journal if you're hoping to lose weight.If you're not accustomed to writing, the idea can seem a bitdaunting, Psychology, at first. After all, if you don't seem to have the timeto record all of your baby's "firsts"--the first words, thefirst steps, the first day of reciting the alphabet--how can yoube expected to find the time to write down everything thatpasses through your lips? It's a valid question; however, if youstop to consider just how much time you spend eating, surely youcan find the time to write down what you eat. The key to keeping, Psychology, a food diary is motivation. You have to havea desire to record your food choices. One good way to do this isto place a picture of your heaviest self onto the cover of anotebook. Also, make sure that you keep the notebook in fullview, either on your bedside table or on the kitchen table. Thiscould, Psychology, provide you with just the incentive, Psychology, you need to make noteof what you're eating. Another motivating factor could be to log your daily weight atthe beginning of each diary entry. That way, you can see if yourdietary choices are having an effect on your weight. If you findthat you are shedding pounds, you can affix a gold star next toyour entry. The gold star can provide the psychological boostnecessary to continue to lose weight. Of course, the next question you'll face is: What exactlyshould I write down for each entry? To begin with, just includea running list of foods, along with portion sizes. You might besurprised to find out not only what you're eating, but also howlarge the portions are. Next, categorize each food entry. Is ita fruit, vegetable, whole grain, or fat? Such information couldbe vitally important in determining, Psychology, where your excess, Psychology, pounds arecoming from. You can also use your journal for meal planning. If you thinkabout what you should eat ahead of time, you'll be less likelyto indulge, Psychology, in, Psychology,, Psychology, the wrong foods. Such planning can make you feelmore, Psychology, organized, Psychology, and more in control--two important elements forlosing weight. If you indulge in comfort food every once in a while, don'tpanic. Eating high-calorie foods occasionally can help prevent afeeling of deprivation which can lead to overeating. The key isto eat "bad foods" in moderation. It is also important, Psychology, that youwrite down everything you eat, including fatty foods. Trying tohide your food choices by not writing them down iscounter-productive and, Psychology, could lead to feelings of guilt. Yet another helpful idea is to write down your goal weight eachday. This can be an important element of psychological warfare.Knowing what your goal is--and mapping out a way to getthere--can improve your chances of achieving criticalmilestones. Also, when possible, try to make your diary experience fun. Doyour writing on the patio, by the pool,, Psychology, or in your bathtub. Setthe mood by playing some of your favorite music in thebackground. Decorate your diary by using colored pens orcolorful stickers. Whatever you can do to make yourdiary-keeping chores more interesting will certainly be helpful. Be aware of the fact that it could take you a while to get intothe diary-keeping habit. But, once you see those pounds meltaway, you'll find it's well, Psychology, worth the investment of time andenergy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Psychological Benefits Of Exercise

Author: Ciara Carruthers

Source: isnare.com

In this article, I will explore the many benefits, Psychology, of aerobic exercise, but specifically, I will talk about the psychological, Psychology, benefits of aerobic exercise, which to my (healthy and happy) mind is almost more important. After all, an unhealthy mind is an unhealthy body!But, what IS aerobic exercise??According to the definition from the Global Healing Centers website, "Aerobic exercise is a type of movement such as running or cycling that gets your heart pumping faster and increases your oxygen intake."Fine examples of aerobic exercise are;, Psychology, running, dynamic yoga, cycling, fast walking, circuit training, skiing and rollerblading.Ok, so we are all told we need to partake in aerobic exercise to obtain many benefits, such as, weight loss, better skin and muscle tone. But that's not all! There are psychological benefits of aerobic exercise too!So, what are the psychological, Psychology, benefits, Psychology, of aerobic exercise?In short, the benefits are; improved mood, reduces anxiety, reduces depression and acts as a buffer against stress.But lets go into a little more detailThe Psychological PayoffsMood EnhancerWhen, Psychology, we exercise aerobically, our bodies produces little chemical called endorphins, which, scientifically speaking, are polypeptides, which are able, Psychology, to bind to the neuron-receptors in the brain to give relief from pain. Endorphins are not just produced from exercise; they are also triggered by deep-breathing,, Psychology, meditation, eating spicy food and deep, Psychology, laughter. Just don't, Psychology, do all five at onceEndorphins are believed to produce four key effects on the body; they relieve pain, they reduce stress, they enhance the immune system and they postpone the aging process.It may be worth your while to stock up on some fitness equipment, they might make things easier for you. I prefer to exercise outside but I do have an indoor stationary bike, that way, if it's raining, I have no excuse not to exercise.Reduces Anxiety and DepressionDepression, Psychology, and Anxiety can lead to a feeling of isolation. Partaking in aerobic sports, one can choose to join a running club, swimming club, gym or any other sports club. It's an excellent way, Psychology, to gain the psychological benefits of aerobic activity, because it gets you out an about and can put you in positions where you HAVE to speak to people.Aerobic exercise offers a distraction. For an, Psychology, hour or so each day, you can put yourself in a position where you are too busy worrying about the prospect of having to run another two miles before you can stop.Burning excess fat and toning up can boost anyone's confidence. Clothes fit better, and you receive compliments from friends. Which often is enough to begin to lift the heavy cloud of a mild depression.Stress ReductionDo you feel like the whole world is collapsing on top of you? I think everyone does at one stage or another. If you keep positive, it will pass. Aerobic exercise is a great way to keep positive. When you are stressed, it is important to get enough sleep. Exercisers actually go to sleep faster, are more refreshed and have sharper memories. Exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, bringing extra sugar and oxygen, which can help when concentrating. And once again, the little endorphins, Psychology, can make you happier, making you feel like maybe it will all be ok after all.So, in conclusion, exercise! There are too many benefits that you will be missing out on if you don't.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Relaxing Into Reiki - Part 2

Author: Anna Pizzoferrato

Source: articleage.com

FUTURE OR PAST EVENTReiki distance healing energy can be sent to a past or future event. A childhood trauma can be relieved of its grip on a suffering adult. An important exam or presentation can be performed with a commanding calmness. A Reiki II trained police officer can send Reiki into a home where a disturbed individual is about to harm themselves or others. Reiki sent to hospice patients could reduce the pain and anxiety of those about to expire. Peace would replace fear. One preparing for surgery could experience less pain, lose less, Psychology, blood, and, Psychology, have a faster recovery. I choose the word, Psychology, "could" because the use of the energy is determined by the recipient's soul. The only guarantee is that the Reiki energy is going to the highest good...it is always does.SITUATIONS & CORPORATIONSSituations, Psychology, can often benefit from Reiki energy. The Reiki energy gently works, Psychology, to produce harmony and clarity where anxiety and discord had prevailed. Both the home and workplace are excellent targets of Reiki energy. Relationships that are "stuck" are moved toward the highest good of all. The end results could be, Psychology, resolution or dissolution. All parties will have the opportunity to move toward their higher good. Corporate teams across the country have been utilizing Reiki as a gentle catalyst toward harmony and greater productivity. Dysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and, Psychology, trust while corporations reap the benefits. Homes and workplaces that just didn't "feel good" have been cleared of negative residual energies using Reiki's infinite power.EMOTIONAL PARALYSISEmotional paralysis resulting from an unexpected loss, event or confrontation responds quickly to hands-on or remotely sent Reiki energy. The individual will experience a calmness and clarity, Psychology, that will help them make rational decisions as to their course of action. Thus far, a majority of my Reiki distance energy treatments are to individuals who have lost their ability to function due to an emotional upset. Hurts inflicted by loved ones rank high on the list for producing an emotional paralysis. The individual is so gripped with emotion that they cannot even secure medical or psychological assistance. I am still, Psychology, in awe as to the power of Reiki to bring peace to where there was once chaos.REIKI DISTANCE TREATMENTS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCEThe, Psychology,, Psychology, beauty of Reiki distance, Psychology, healing is it's practicality and it's power. As a trained scientist, I can understand the need to have more than anecdotal evidence. Only after I experienced the power of Reiki first hand did I truly believe in its authentic power.For those of you who would like to seek out some data, I can direct you to some scientific evidence. Distance Reiki is energy directed like a powerful prayer. By "prayer" I am speaking of directing your energy rather than asking for divine favors. Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies on the power of prayer. Before Dr. Dossey's early book, "Healing, Psychology, Words" was published in 1993, only three U.S. medical schools had courses exploring the role of prayer in health. Currently, nearly fifty medical schools offer such courses. The majority of them use Dr. Dossey's books as the textbooks for the courses. References are made, Psychology, to controlled double-blind experiments with unknowing groups of human patients., Psychology, The results affirm the undeniable power of prayer.A second set of experiments that can be researched are those conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift. Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of humans. The choice of less, Psychology,, Psychology, complex subjects reduced the variables inherent in human studies. As expected, prayer significantly affected the germination of seeds as well as vitality of various lower organisms such as yeast and molds, Psychology, .As a certified and experienced Reiki Master/Teacher, I view the acceptance of Reiki energy as both preventative and healing intervention. The amount of time and sessions required varies from individual to individual. I have observed that major life changes and physical healings may take some time. It took a bit of time to create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and trust is helpful. On occasion, illnesses that are being forced from the body actually get worse before they get better. This is when it is so very important to continue with the treatments. As your body is working to rid itself of toxins, it is extremely important to drink large quantities of water and, Psychology, continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and recommendations. Reiki should not be used as a substitute for medical, Psychology, care. It should be used as a compliment to professional medical/psychological care, medications and recommendations, Psychology, .Anna Pizzoferrato is a multi-certified Reiki Master/Teacher. Her passion and specialty is Reiki Distance Energy Healing. Visit her site to take advantage of her powerful healing service. http://www.ReikiWithTrust.com

Ensuring Sufficient Blood Flow to the Brain

Author: Robert Elias Najemy

Source: free-articles

Ensuring Sufficient Blood, Psychology, Flow to the BrainRobert Elias NajemyWhy This is ImportantAll physical and, Psychology, emotional states depend on a well functioning and rejuvenated, Psychology, brain. The blood flow to our brain brings oxygen, nutrients, hormones, antibodies and as it leaves removes toxins and waste products of cell metabolism.Sufficient blood flow to our brain is essential for1, Psychology, . Good memory2. Clarity of thought3. Freedom from headaches4. Overcoming psychosomatic illnesses5. Getting free from negative emotions6. Greater concentration7. Hormonal, Psychology, Balance8, Psychology, . A relaxed nervous system9. A stronger immune system10. More energy and vitalityMost people do not have enough clean oxygenated blood flowing into their brains because:1. They have low blood pressure.2. They have tense - contracted arteries.3. Their arteries are clogged with waste products.4. They do not breathe deeply and completely enough.5. They are standing or sitting many hours and blood flow down into the legs (also creating problems such as varicose veins)6. They hunch over and do not sit or stand straight so that the blood can flow freely.The following exercise, which we call the half-shoulder stand, is an excellent way to replenish the brain, Psychology, with blood, oxygen and nutrients while also cleaning up the veins of the legs.Persons, Psychology, with high blood pressure, Psychology, of detached retina or other serious eye problems should consult their, Psychology, doctor before performing it.HALF-SHOULDER STANDPlace a mat close to the wall and lie down on your back with your buttocks very close to the wall and, Psychology, your legs resting up on the wall. If you like, you can place a large pillow underneath your buttocks so as to create a greater incline (this will also make it more comfortable for the lower back). Make sure that your back, shoulders and neck are in a comfortable position. (If you have high blood pressure, you may find this position a little difficult in the beginning as you will feel the pressure in your head. You should check with your doctor to see if he agrees for you to do it). Now there are four stages to this exercise:a) While lying, Psychology, in this position, inhale slowly while raising your arms up over your head until they rest on the floor behind your head. Hold your breath in this position for a few seconds and then lower your hands back by your side as you exhale. This movement may be practiced in harmony with the breath from five to ten times at the rhythm, which you feel most comfortable. A good rhythm is to have an equal inhalation, retention and exhalation. Thus one could inhale for a count of three, hold for three, and exhale for three.b) In the next stage, you take a deep inhalation and then turn your head to the right while keeping the head in contact with, Psychology, the mat and holding your breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale returning the head to the center again. Then take another deep inhalation and turn your head to the left, hold a few seconds and return it to the center exhaling. This exercise, Psychology, too may be practiced with the breathing ratio inhaling for three, holding for, Psychology, three, and exhaling for three. One should always breathe as slowly and deeply as one can, without forcing the breath. c) In the third stage we simply breathe slowly and deeply with concentration on the inhalation and exhalation. Never force the breath, but breathe, Psychology, as slowly and deeply as comfortably possible. On every exhalation allow the neck, shoulders, Psychology, and eyes relax. Take from 5 to 20 such deep breaths according to your capacity. The breath is more effective when it is rhythmic, Psychology, with the ratio of breathing in which the inhalation, retention and exhalation are of equal length.d) In the final stage we simply remain in this position with the legs up on the wall and allow our shoulders, neck and head, Psychology, to relax as much as possible. Special attention should be given to the area of the eyes and the center of the forehead. If there is tension in the eyes, we can place the palms over the eyes in a gentle manner and allow the peaceful energy of the hands to flow into, Psychology, and relax the eyes and the forehead. The palms can be left in this position for as long as ten minutes if we have the inclination and time. We can also relax in this position with or without the hands in this position for as long as we feel comfortable. Benefits: It is obvious that this exercise helps to bring blood to the head, shoulders, neck and eyes. The twisting of the neck from side to side opens up the neck and stimulates, Psychology, the thyroid glands. This is a wonderful position to relax in and is as good for the legs as it is for the head. The deep rhythmic breathing, Psychology, allows for greater oxygenation and relaxation and rejuvenation of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems as well as the mind.It is an invaluable tool for renewing our body, energy and mind.(Adapted from the forthcoming "Self Healing" by Robert Elias Najemy. His book "The Psychology of Happiness" (ISBN 0-9710116-0-5) is available at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/holisticharmo-20 and http://www.HolisticHarmony.com/psychofhappiness.html. His writings can be viewed at http://www.HolisticHarmony.com where you can also download FREE articles and e-books.Robert Elias Najemy is the author of over 600 articles, 400 lecture cassettes on Human Harmony and 20 books, which have sold over 100,000 copies. He is the Founder and director of the Center for Harmonious Living in Greece with 3700 members. His book The Psychology of Happiness; ISBN, Psychology, 0-9710116-0-5 is available at www.amazon.com and http://www.HolisticHarmony.com. where you can view and download FREE articles and e-books.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Are Your Lifestyle Habits Killing You?

Author: Freelance Writer

Source: isnare.com

Are you one of the many Americans in life-threatening DANGER?!! Are harmful forces insidiously destroying the quality and length of your life? Do you even know whether your life is at, Psychology, risk?Scientific and technological, Psychology, advances have greatly increased the average lifespan. With youth no longer, Psychology, short-lived, adults can now look and feel like, Psychology, they're twenty, thirty, Psychology, years younger. Regardless, multitudes of Americans are excluding themselves from such opportunities. Fortitude: Health and Wellness Inc. reported that about 129 million, Psychology, people are overweight or obese. In 2000, Psychology, 17 million people had diabetes, and in 2003, only one year, 1.1 million people suffered from heart attacks. Heart disease is the first leading cause of death in the United States, and strokes are the third leading cause. It is time to become informed; often, these and many other ailments can be avoided. The fountain of youth may be only a myth. But with the right choices, you can come close to it.An American Psychological Association (APA) survey found stress to have a direct relationship with the health problems in the country's health concerns. Stress has the potential to impair health directly. However, as Americans handle stress with dangerous, Psychology,, Psychology, behaviors, stress indirectly becomes a major cause of unnecessary deaths. According to the American Psychological Association Practice Directorate, money, work, children, and the health problems of loved ones are the greatest causes of stress. Ironically,, Psychology, personal health was also included on this list. As many people worry about their own health, they in effect, increase problems and possibly shorten it. Tension and anxiety are often difficult to prevent, especially in today's society. However,, Psychology, by not using the following coping strategies as stress "solutions," Americans can greatly increase their chances of a long youthful life.Perilous Lifestyles:As, Psychology, stressful lives lead to poor nutrition, people entrap themselves within a vicious cycle. With so many people constantly on the go, eating a healthy, balanced diet has become more difficult than ever. The American Psychological Association found a direct correlation, Psychology, between eating fast food and levels of stress. Fast food, detrimentally high in calories,, Psychology,, Psychology, high in saturated fats, high in sugar, and low in whole grains, frequently becomes the norm. Proclaiming solutions to this nutrition deficient, too many fad diets focus on weight loss at the expense of nutrient assurance. According to the APA survey participants, one out of every four people relied on "comfort foods" when feeling stressed. Prolonged periods of anxiety cause the body to feel tired. Popular "comfort foods", such as chips and ice cream, which contain un-complexed carbohydrates and high levels of fat, fail to serve as good energy-sources, Psychology, . The mere short boosts of energy caused from high sugar contents only leaves the body with greater feelings of exhaustion. Insomnia, mood swings, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weakened immune systems have a tendency to result from the combination of stress's negative blood-sugar affects and the addition of a high-sugar diet. Needless to say, further complications, such as depression, diabetes, and obesity, often develop. Within an environment of such poor health, chances of congested heart failure greatly increase. The APA survey found that, Psychology,, Psychology, sixty-five percent of people whom relied on "comfort foods" were overweight and had twice the chance of potential obesity. Obesity, America's severe growing epidemic, continues the negative chain by exposing the body to even further health complications.Nevertheless, healthy, low-risk lifestyles need more than nutritious food in the diet; vitamins and supplements are essential. Today's society makes it virtually impossible for even the most dedicated health food loyalist to receive all proper nutrients from food alone. For one it becomes more and more difficult to find healthy quick,, Psychology, dining-out food, but the hectic schedules of personal and professional life greatly decrease consistent home-cooked menus. Secondly, popular un-organic methods of growing, raising, and processing inevitably lose some of the natural nutrients. While compensating for nutrients lost and ignored, Psychology, in meal plans, vitamins also, Psychology, serve as natural and holistic alternatives to medications and offer solutions to medication shortcomings. There are many naturopathically trained physicians that can construct vitamin programs suited for individual needs.Drastically causing health complications and premature deaths, cigarettes continue to bring a great threat to society. Even with all the research proving their dangers, cigarettes and other forms of tobacco, Psychology, are still used by a large percentage, Psychology, of Americans. Often attracting people bothered by stress, cigarettes too can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Including problems such as depleted bone density, emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease, the risks of tobacco are innumerable. Until the elimination, Psychology, of tobacco, Americans will never achieve the possibility of a long healthy life.Sedentary jobs and, Psychology, interests focused around televisions, video games, and computers continue to decrease activity levels. Public and personal, Psychology, transportation enables greater distances to be covered, and the transportation modes of walking and bicycles become less frequent, Psychology, . However, although societal changes largely reduce exercise opportunities, Americans must find ways to remain active. The lack of exercise is greatly responsible for the rapidly increasing rates of, Psychology, American obesity. Further, without activity people will not have the strength or endurance to maintain youth or longevity. Walking wherever possible and exercising at a gym serve as alternatives. Not only offering countless health benefits, but exercise also provides positive outlets to diminish stress. Activities such as yoga offer exercise while directly aiming at stress reduction.Stress may be overwhelming, but the health problems caused from unhealthy reactions may be deadly. Modern society may pose an increasing number of obstacles, but you do not have to become a victim. By choosing nutritious foods, vitamins and supplements, and exercise and by avoiding tobacco, a long life of youth is more possible than ever. Start avoiding or reversing the danger in your life today.

Anxiety And Panic Attacks Ruining Your Life

Author: yourkidsshop

Source: articledashboard.com

Anxiety and panic attacks, Psychology, terms are used interchangeably so often that they have come to be regarded as the same thing. Panic attacks and anxiety are related phenomena, and the symptoms of a panic attack may include hyperventilation.Anxiety, Psychology, and panic attacks are horrifying experiences and are much more common than sufferers think. Depending on what research you read they either strike more than 10 million people or affect as many as 15% of all adults. Whichever figure you look at though,, Psychology, I am sure you will agree, Psychology, it is a massive problem affecting women more often than men.Anxiety and Panic disorders becomes classified as a mental illness when the condition causes enough distress to reduce ones ability to function socially, occupationally, or psychologically. During a panic attack, unless you were medically, Psychology, educated, you might think you were having a heart attack, or some other form of medical crisis. Although when they get to this level they are both considered psychiatric conditions, they can be the easiest of all to treat and in most cases are highly treatable. Anxiety and panic attacks are an emotional and physical reaction to a threat, whether that threat is real or perceived. The attacks are often associated with shallow, rapid patterns of breathing and can respond to muscle relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that form a part of many complementary therapies.It doesn't matter from what walk of life you come from anxiety and panic attacks are non discriminatory, Psychology, and they appear in situations, Psychology, where your usual skills and talents seem to make no difference, so telling yourself to calm down, doesn't work that, Psychology, well. The attacks seem to be self-perpetuating and they need prompt and effective intervention. Although anxiety and panic attacks are similar, panic attacks are more high pitched than anxiety.Anxiety and panic attacks are very frightening and very real to the person suffering the attack and no matter what anybody says they are medical conditions as real to the person as if they were suffering from heart disease. Although they are very scary once you stop letting the fears take over, you'll feel more in control. Which is the first step in recovery, Psychology, . You may be particularly vulnerable to anxiety and panic attacks if you are suffering from medical conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, severe pain or medical obesity, Psychology, .Symptoms can include but are not limited, Psychology, to are: Rapid heart beat, palpitations (awareness of your heart beating), raised blood pressure feeling of tightness in the chest, breathlessness and hyperventilation (rapid, shallow breathing) sweating, pallor, chest pains,, Psychology, feelings, Psychology, of light-headedness and dizziness. Shaking and trembling pins and needles (caused by hyperventilation) usually in hands or feet. Feeling of intense fear and/or impending doom headaches and muscular aches and pains. Insomnia,, Psychology, irritability, nightmares fatigue digestive disturbances, e.g., abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea and/or vomiting. Feeling cut off from yourself and other people, fear of dying, desensitization, depersonalization, feeling of unreality, depression, numbness and difficulty falling or staying, Psychology, asleep. symptoms of panic attacks, feelings of unreality, bodily sensations, body muscles, nausea and diarrhoea, natural instinct, flight reaction, derealisation, muscle, Psychology, tension, abdominal distress, tightness in chest, pounding heart,Anxiety and panic attacks are a relatively short period of very intense fear and can start, Psychology, with an unpleasant feeling in the throat and a sudden shortness, Psychology, of breath. Anxiety and panic attacks usually last for 10 minutes but more severe attacks may last up to two hours. They may be part of an underlying anxiety disorder such as phobias (irrational fear, Psychology,, Psychology, of, for example, crowds or open spaces), obsessive compulsive disorder (recurrent thoughts and repetitive behaviour), post-traumatic stress, depression or other psychological problems. Or anxiety can come about as a result of pressure at work, in school, at home or even when having a major event or change in your life like death of loved one or divorce.Anxiety and panic attacks are disorders and although you might be able to put a quick fix together during attacks it is important that you find treatment to free yourself from this disorder and eliminate anxiety and panic attacks permanently. Anxiety medication may not work as it may mask the symptoms and when you stop taking the medication the attacks generally flare back up again. Ultimately because anxiety medication is superficial, it doesn't treat the root cause of your anxiety.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Psychology of Weight Loss: Part 4 - The Power of Praise!

Author: Greg Ryan

Source: articleage.com

Your success in sticking with an exercise and weight loss program may just come down to you asking for help - unless pride gets in your way. The key to longevity is surrounding yourself with people who will give you support followed up by accountability."A good team is one that has quality support, honest encouragement, and requires personal responsibility."From my e book The "A" FactorYour Inner Circle"You can tell a lot about a person by the friends they, Psychology, keep." This is a very true statement. Let me say this first, Psychology, . Many decisions in life have strings attached to them. Strings sometimes make it virtually impossible to accomplish any goal. However, it is important to be aware of who influences you the most. Usually, Psychology, there are two, Psychology, types of people around you:Toxic, negative, pessimistic people Non-toxic, encouraging support people.Negative, Pessimistic People: ToxicYou usually know these people. After being around them you, Psychology, feel physically and mentally drained., Psychology, Toxic people are envious, cynical, and pessimistic by nature. If you try to get support and encouragement from this type of person, all you're going to get is frustrated. If possible, don't spend much time with them.Positive, Optimistic People: Non-ToxicOn the other hand, if you are around those who are honest and encouraging, you become a reservoir of energy. Depending on how important change is to you, the choice of changing friends and certain relationships may be necessary. In other words, if you want to know about yourself, just look at the types of friends you have.EnCOURAGEmentThe most effective accountability systems I know are those that stress encouragement, accompanied by direct responsibility. Encouragement and support can come form different directions. In most cases, you're influenced by those with whom you most associate and those you most value in your life. The more you're, Psychology, positively, Psychology, reinforced, the more fulfilling the journey will be and the more memorable. It takes courage to take this step and if you make it, you should be applauded.ResponsibilityEven though you can't succeed alone, you still have to take some responsibility in your health and goals. Part of being responsible is sharing goals with close friends and support people. Take some pride in what you want to do. Take what you're doing seriously. If you don't have your health, what do you have?START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here http://www.resolutions.bzDiscover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting, Psychology, that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former, Psychology, employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome In A Nutshell

Author: Devin Greenfield

Source: articledashboard.com

According to statistics, from 15 to 50 % of adult population suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Women of childbearing age are subjected to this disease most of all.Sometimes the initial course of IBS begins after 40 years. In this case a careful medical inspection is especially necessary (probably, at this age the disease has developed as the consequence an organic pathology).Far from all people with irritable bowel syndrome address to the doctor, hence, not everyone knows about the diagnosis. Statistics say, not more than 10 % of the total amount of IBS patients call the doctor and get diagnosed.Irritable bowel syndrome is the irritation of intestinal receptors that results in the functional, Psychology, disorder of the colon. Usually it occurs because of lactose and other sugars, fatty acid, alimentary agents, purgatives, infections, Psychology, caused by dysbacteriosis, etc.Quite, Psychology,, Psychology, often irritable bowel syndrome develops after acute intestinal infections accompanied with dysbacteriosis. People with unstable mentality and also those who has gone through nervous breakdowns caused by a serious physical or psychological load are most subjected to it.Most often abnormal intestinal motility and various hormonal disorders lead to pathology of the intestines in case of irritable bowel syndrome. Also IBS can become an instinctive protection against stress (there is such psychological phenomenon). A high level of anxiety, hyperexcitability,, Psychology, sleeping disorders, and depressions are characteristic of IBS patients, Psychology, .However many of these signs do not precede irritable bowel syndrome and, on the contrary, accompany it during its development. In that case they practically disappear in course of treatment.Dietary habits play an essential, Psychology, role in occurrence of some symptoms of irritable bowel, Psychology, syndrome. The normal motility of an intestine assumes presence of such volume of intestinal contents which is necessary to excite receptors of intestinal walls. The volume of intestinal contents is determined first of all by the amount of ballast substances that hold water, absorb toxicants, stimulate motility, etc.Besides, motor disorders characteristic of IBS can be connected with other collateral factors. The peak of motor activity of the left departments of the colon and the rectum is marked in the morning after breakfast. That's why in most cases defecation, Psychology, happens in the morning after meal. Refusal from full breakfast and haste during food consumption in the morning suppress normal functioning of gastrointestinal reflex and result in constipation, Psychology, . Therefore, constipation is a usual symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.Gynecologic, Psychology, disorders also can be the causes of IBS. The intensity and periodicity of IBS symptoms among many women is directly proportional to the clinical course of gynecologic disorders.According to, Psychology, medical statistics,, Psychology, the majority of patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome has a superfluous bacterial growth in the small intestine in 68,8 % of cases and 98,4 % of IBS patients, Psychology, have dysbacteriosis of the colon.Among the consequence of irritable bowel syndrome there are disorders of motor, secretory, digestive and other functions of the small intestine, Psychology, . Thus, contents with aggressive properties get to the colon. Because of the changes of microflora caused by dysbacteriosis processes of digestion and adsorption are also upset in the colon., Psychology, Motor and secretory functions of the colorectum can be consequently disturbed as well.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hair Loss: The Psychological Effect And Remedy

Author: Javier Fuller

Source: articledashboard.com

Hair loss in males, unless premature, is a normal occurrence and is normally referred to as 'male pattern balding.' Irrespective of its naturalness or the longevity of its existence,, Psychology, it makes males feel embarrassed no less. Hair loss causes a decline in positive self image and males start feeling inferior simply because, Psychology, their heads have lesser hair everyday. To put it differently, it starts affecting one's mind more than one's scalp. Male pattern baldness is not exactly, Psychology, a disease; it is simply a stage of life. It happens to most of those whose fathers had a bald head in their advanced age. Therefore, logically speaking, there should not be anything to be embarrassed about. But that's not how it is. We want to have our hair on our heads all our lives. So, we go in hot pursuit for what causes it and what can cure it. So, if you are looking for someone or something to blame-, Psychology, well, it is the genes most of the time.In face of the problem, many of us resort to shaving our heads and some of us actually look really great. However, there are still some who do not want to get their lovely hair shaven off.Worse are the cases where the baldness sets in earlier than it should, which creates another kind of psychological problem. In such cases, people start feeling older than they are, Psychology, . And this depresses them very much.There are several medical options available from hair loss treatment to hair transplantation. But before you go for any of it, there is an important thing to be borne in, Psychology, mind all the while. There are chances that nothing works except for hair transplant. And even after the transplant some people might harbor the regret that their hair are not their own. There, Psychology, is no, Psychology, external medical remedy for it because the trouble is inside and the remedy does not lie in 'treating' it but in 'fighting' it. One needs to make oneself understand that hair might be a part of one's personality, but they are, for sure, a very small part. They do not constitute one's whole persona. So, what you are and what you are widely appreciated for lies in your heart and mind, and not in your hair. Once this is understood, hair or no hair, one walks tall. And believe me, it looks no less elegant than ever.

Premature Ejaculation

Author: DrKrishna R S

Source: articleage.com

Most men have experienced the problem of premature ejaculation at some time in their life. Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems. Premature ejaculation is explained as, Psychology,, Psychology, a condition where in a person is unable to delay ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desirable for both the partners. That means ejaculation occurs before a man wants it to happen. Some men, Psychology, ejaculate during foreplay while some do so at the very entry itself.But few men feel that 5 or 10 minutes time to have orgasm is not enough and they feel that this is also premature ejaculation. This suggests premature ejaculation is most likely psychological in origin than physiological. The exact cause of premature ejaculation is still unknown.Ayurveda has said Kshiprumunchati Shukram....... this means the person will have Premature ejaculation when vata in his body aggravates and leads to a very quick ejaculation, Psychology, of shukra (semen). The probable causes for premature ejaculation:Anxiety during the first experience of sex. Some men will develop, Psychology, a longer-term anxiety toward sex, which can cause a prolonged experience with premature ejaculation, Psychology, .A long period of abstinence from sex.Younger men tend to ejaculate more quickly than older men, as experience seems to be associated with ejaculatory control.Depression or anxiety about poor, Psychology, sexual performanceAnxiety due to anticipation, Psychology, of Rejection by partner. Anticipation of failure to satisfy his partnerAnticipation of pain Adverse experiences with sex in childhood Religious beliefs Financial burdensJob stress Relationship problems Side effects of some prescription drugs Apart from psychological causes some physiological causes like inflammation of prostate gland or spinal chord problems may cause premature ejaculation.According to ayurveda when vayu gets vitiated it causes premature ejaculation. The following causes vitiates vataConsuming stale, spicy, cold and junk food (Men who are away from home on business mostly consume this sort of food )staying up for long hours at night .long gap between mealsControlling natural urges (this happens during long corporate meetings)Physical, Psychology, and mental, Psychology, exertion. Under nourishment due to worries and griefSitting for long hours in uncomfortable chairs.Traveling at high speeds.Prevention:Seek psychotherapy to maintain a healthy attitude towards sex.Do not blame yourself for premature ejaculation. Anybody can experience premature ejaculation.Speak openly with your partners to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication, Psychology, .Use some relaxation techniques to reduce stress.Have full knowledge about sexTry to minimize the above said causative factors.Simple RemediesMany techniques are used to control premature ejaculation. "The squeeze technique" is popular and effective amongst all. Squeeze technique is a behavioral therapy. If a man senses that he is about to experience premature ejaculation, he interrupts sexual relations. Then the man or his partner squeezes the shaft of his penis between a thumb and two fingers applying gentle pressure just below the head of the penis for 20 seconds. And then sexual relations can be resumed. The technique can be repeated as often as necessary. When this technique is successful, it enables the man to learn, Psychology, to delay ejaculation with the squeeze, and eventually, to gain control over ejaculation without the squeeze. The Masters & Johnson method: The best way to combat premature ejaculation is by learning to control the sensations prior to orgasm. This method takes time and practice, but it is very effective. First you need to bring yourself close to orgasm, Psychology, (this can be done via masturbation, without the involvement of your partner) and then stop and relax before recommencing. Each time you need to bring yourself closer to orgasm until finally you cannot control it. If you do this often enough,, Psychology, you will learn where your point of climax is. This is helpful when interacting with your partner. You will need to practice reaching your climax point with your partner by engaging, Psychology, in non-penetrative sex, Psychology, so that when you feel it is near, you signal them to stop and you allow your erection to subside. This also needs to be repeated so, Psychology, that you and your partner are familiar with the procedure, Psychology, . Once you feel you are ready for intercourse, it is best to start by lying on your back so that you can guide your partner during penetration. When you are near orgasm, give your partner a signal to stop and you should relax and start again. Once you get the hang of it (it may take several weeks or months), premature ejaculation shouldn't be too much of a problem. A variant of this method involves the partner squeezing the tip of the penis just before orgasm ("squeeze, Psychology, technique"). This pushes blood out of the penis and reduces the erection.

An Introduction to Yoga Psychology

Author: Sarah Mhyers

Source: ezinearticles.com

One of the added beautifully developed sciences of spiritual-based attitude is yoga psychology, the abstraction of animal anima in affiliation to action and the above ambit of existence. This science, matriculated from the age-old attitude of yoga, seeks to explain and analyze the potentials of the animal life, apprehension the hidden mysteries abaft life's purpose, existence, and accord to the apple in which we live. While there are abounding systems of attitude accessible to avant-garde man, yoga attitude is altered in that is seeks to absorb avant-garde science with age-old philosophy. Through its audible methods of alleviative and transforming the apperception to its accessible and holistic access to life, yoga attitude is, Psychology, an able science for accouterment a healthy, balanced, and alone acute access the brainy bloom and wellness.The Aesthetics of PsychologyGenerally, the aesthetics of attitude has pursued two outlets. The aboriginal, Psychology, that suggests that action is empiric and can be abstinent and empiric on a actual, Psychology, level. This aesthetics maintains, Psychology, that all arrangement are composed of amount which can be apparent through concrete ascertainment, Psychology, and empiric through the senses. Therefore, aggregate that exists aural, Psychology, the animal getting can be abstinent on a concrete akin accounts for, Psychology, , Psychology, all aspects of the animal existence. One important point of this abstract credo is that aggregate is based off of experience, alien input, and abiogenetic disposition. These calm anatomy the absolute foundation for the psyche. Therefore, elements that arise to extend above the borders of the concrete and appreciable akin of actuality are either absurd or yet to be accurate, Psychology, through empiric observation.Contrary to the empiric acceptance, Psychology, is the aesthetics, Psychology, that animal beings are composed of elements that are above the borders of the concrete anatomy of the animal being. Although actual apparatus accord, Psychology, to our existence, there are abounding actualization of the animal getting that cannot be abstinent with a microscope or electromagnetic scans. Although these actualization are not composed of the aforementioned actual as the animal body, they actuality in their own ambit and absorb their own qualities that acquiesce them to exist. One of the primary examples of an aspect that exists in its own anatomy is consciousness. Under the analogue of the non-empirical philosophy, alertness is a allotment of animal life, but is not absolute alone aural the animal being, nor can it be begin aural the structures of the brain. Rather it is a acreage of actuality that permeates all of creation, but takes the actualization of abstracted entities if filtered through the anatomy of the alone entities such as a animal being. Accordingly it is allotment of the animal being, but not bound to the animal anatomy in and of itself.For the a lot of part, empiric based attitude believes that alertness is a basic of the, Psychology, brain, and a spirit, or some article that is affiliated to a college source, does not exist. All that is accomplished and apparent aural the alone can be explained aural the concrete agreeable of the animal being. Therefore, the following of compassionate and apperception of the functions of the animal anima are mostly undertaken aural the abstraction of academician through the sciences such as neuropsychology. This forms the foundation for the added continued studies of behavioral, developmental, and cerebral psychology.Non-empirical psychology, on the added hand, accepts the soul, or something absolute with the animal getting that extends above the banned of the decaying body, as an added article accidental to the animal existance. While the animal physique contains allotment of the actual all-important to anatomy life, it does not accomplish up the accomplished system. Non empiric attitude maintains the acceptance that alone alertness is a basic of a ample arrangement that has been referred to as cosmic, universal, or aggregate consciousness. With this compassionate in mind, non-empirical attitude pursues the abstraction of the animal anima through the apparatus of consciousness, soul/spirit, and added, Psychology, elements, Psychology, above the concrete body.While not every attitude conforms to these boundaries, a lot of of the activated practices of attitude accommodate themselves to the outline of one of these ideology; either the apperception is in the physique and the brain, or it is allotment of something above and above the banned of the body. As a amusing practice, western attitude usually follows the aisle of the empiric abstraction area as eastern attitude has been that of the abstract and spiritualistic. Yet there are avant-garde schools of thought, advisers and psychologists that are extending above, Psychology, these boundaries and gluttonous to ameliorate attitude into, Psychology,, Psychology, a complete science of the animal mind. Indeed, the animal academician does appearance cogent contributions to the functions of thought, perception, and behavior, but at the aforementioned time there has been no abundant affirmation that self-awareness or alertness can be absolute aural the functions of the brain. Together, both of these insights accept accurate to be cogent challenges to the avant-garde day assay of the attitude, Psychology, of animal beings.Yoga Psychology, as a accustomed practice, has acquired to actualize both the empiric and non-empirical angle of psychology. Although it could about be advised a non-empirical philosophy, yoga attitude has aswell abundantly accustomed the influences of the anatomical anatomy in developing, shaping, and creating the attitude of a animal being; yet the concrete physique does not accommodate all of the elements all-important, Psychology, to anatomy the complication of the animal apperception and consciousness. Through the aesthetics and spiritual-inquisition of yoga, yoga attitude maintains the acceptance that the animal attitude is shaped by factors from assorted, Psychology, apple of life, starting from the a lot of actual concrete physique and alive through to the, Psychology, attenuate elements of the spirit. Anniversary band is not an absolute system, nor is it absolute aural one alone structure. Rather, there are several sheaths that co-exist and plan seamlessly amid one addition to anatomy the complete structure, form, and actuality of the animal being.The Application of PsychologyPractically, attitude is advised to be activated as a anatomic agency to accommodate humans with a advantageous mind. While the analogue of what constitutes a bloom apperception may alter amid altered abstract, Psychology, beliefs, about, Psychology, humans wish reside a action that contains added happiness,, Psychology, a stronger self-concept, and a personality that is able of administration the changes and evolving contest in life. Attitude seeks to accommodate humans with the accoutrement all-important to actualize the able affairs for a bloom mind, using a array of skills, perceptions, and methods to advice anatomy the adapted results. Among some, Psychology, of the above apparatus acclimated, Psychology,, Psychology, by avant-garde attitude to advice humans,, Psychology, Psychology, acquisition a convalescent brainy assemble include: medication, counseling,, Psychology,, Psychology, accumulation therapy, psycho-analysis, ecology alterations, and brainy conditioning. All of these methods seek to accommodate humans with a stronger brainy accompaniment with which they can access life."Natural" forms of attitude usually abstain medication and ambiguous techniques that may could cause accidental changes to the bio-chemical anatomy of the body. They aswell commonly focus on abutting cerebral complexes with a added holistic angle which includes concrete ailments and affecting disturbances. In contrast, a added "westernized" arrangement of attitude usually treats patients based aloft classified disorders or dysfunctions which are accompanying to the apperception or the, Psychology, brain. Treatment is provided based aloft the affection of a accommodating in accord to added classically authentic cases. For abounding, Psychology, patients, medication is acclimated in affiliation with counseling and therapy.As a practice, yoga attitude usually addresses the cerebral, Psychology, changes aural a animal being's action with a advanced array of techniques, anniversary, Psychology, advised to advice adapt and adapt a specific abnormality aural the animal system. Generally, yoga attitude follows the "natural" arrangement of cerebral healthcare as it about treats anniversary case independently, accouterment, Psychology, advice to an alone afterwards assay of the physical, psychological, energetic, and airy elements of their life. For concrete disturbances which are affecting the cerebral state, exercise and movement accepted as the asanas (postures) are applied. These can aswell be acclimated in affiliation with cleansing techniques which advice to abolish toxins from the body. For cerebral disturbances, meditation, concentration,, Psychology, and brooding are used. Generally, the physique and the apperception are beheld as commutual entities, so specific, Psychology, concrete action or alterations can amusement cerebral disturbances as well. For active problems, breath contest are acclimated to access or abatement activity, Psychology, aural the body. Diet can aswell be adapted to advice access vitality. The bloom of the airy aspect, Psychology, of action, Psychology, is abased on the accompaniment of the physical, mental, and active bodies, and accordingly is about cared for by alleviative these bodies first.Although abounding systems of attitude exist, yoga attitude is one that can be activated for those who seek a bigger ability of themselves. While a acceptance in airy aspects of action will abetment one who wishes to convenance yoga psychology, it is not a necessity. Rather, yoga attitude should be beheld as a holistic arrangement of attitude which works to actualize an calm in the physique and the apperception so that optimum bloom and backbone can be achieved. It aswell works to accommodate humans with a greater compassionate of action as the body, mind, and spirit are actively adapted to ability their fullest potentials.

Sarah Mhyers is a practicing psychologist and psychotherapist in the United States. After completing her MS in Clinical Psychology, Sarah spent much of her time continuing here studies of psychology from and Eastern perspective of thought. She began her study of Yoga Psychology through the Tureya Foundation and Ashram http://www.tureya.com in 2005 and has been pursuing research in this field since then, applying yoga psychology in her clinical environment. Sarah is an author of the Yoga Psychology Magazine http://www.yogapsychologymagazine.com and contributes to the ongoing development of research in Yoga Psychology.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Truth About Hair Loss Shampoos For Men - Does Your Shampoo Really Work to Stop Baldness?

Author: Andrew Parker

Source: ezinearticles.com

Several hair loss shampoos, Psychology, are profusely endorsed by popular personalities in TV commercials, print ads and even online avenues. This is because falling hair is a major concern by anyone, Psychology, . Both men and women who are experiencing, Psychology, one or two symptoms of falling hair would, Psychology, become panicky and most of the time sprint their way to the dermatologist and other medical experts for treatment. Although, hair loss is a disease, it is commonly triggered by too much production of the dihydrotestosterone or DHT hormone. Sometimes, the cause is due to genetic problems. But there are actually remedies available for everyone who go through it.

There are quite a number of products that are made to treat baldness. These products are ranging from oral remedies and topical remedies, Psychology, like creams, lotions and shampoos. The most celebrated and inexpensive treatment is the shampoo. There are credible people who can attest its effectiveness. Testimonies of dermatologist and cosmetologist bring, Psychology, reliability to the product. But you do not simply take their word for it. You have to take the responsibility in finding the truth about the product yourself. So, how are you going to know if indeed the, Psychology, shampoo for hair loss is effective? You simply check the ingredients and find research studies about those elements.

Manyshampoos have varied active ingredients. Some of these ingredients are actually harmful to you. Take for example the surfactants. This ingredient is made from chemical that is responsible, Psychology, for the lather that you get in your shampoo. People thought that if it gives them a good bubble then it is actually effective, which is wrong and simply a make-believe. Surfactants do not even do the, Psychology, cleaning in your hair which most people think it does. The thick lather only benefits you psychologically. Truth is, if your hair loss shampoo only contains a large amount of surfactants then you better cease using that shampoo because it is not only harsh but it will only worsen, Psychology, your falling hair condition.

Due to the end result of surfactants, manufacturers made some revolutionaryhair loss shampoo products. They have integrated natural and effective ingredients like herbal, Psychology, elements, essential oils, and other similar components. The most common of which are lavender essential oils, tea tree oil and saw palmetto herb. These three ingredients are considered very effective in preventing hair loss. All three act as stimulants to produce healthy hair and also decreases the amount of falling hair. As a general rule, it is wise to consult your dermatologist or a medical doctor before actually purchasing and using any hair loss shampoos.

Do you really want to treat your baldness problem permanently and essentially regrow your hair back? Then Provillus for Men is the right solution for you. It is a natural health supplement specifically formulated for baldness in men.

However, if you're among those who prefers natural remedies to effectively treat Male Pattern Baldness then visit his site http://www.StopHairLossTreatment.com today.

What Is Anorexia Nervosa?

Author: Heather Colman -

Source: articledashboard.com

Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes, Psychology, an, Psychology, eating disorder characterized by, Psychology, low body weight and body image distortion. Individuals with anorexia often control body weight by voluntary starvation, purging, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other weight control measures, such as diet pills or, Psychology, diuretic drugs.

Anorexia nervosa primarily affects young adolescent girls in the Western world and has one of the highest mortality rates of any psychiatric condition, with approximately 10% of people diagnosed with the condition eventually dying due to related factors.

The suicide rate of people with anorexia is also higher than that of the general population and is thought to be the major cause of death for those with, Psychology, this condition.

Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition, involving psychological, neurobiological, physiological and sociological components.

A person who is suffering from anorexia is referred to as anorexic. Anorexia nervosa is frequently shortened to anorexia in both the media and scientific literature. This is technically incorrect, as strictly speaking anorexia refers to the medical symptom of reduced appetite.

It is clear that there is no single cause for anorexia and that, Psychology, it stems from a mixture of social, psychological and biological factors. Current research is commonly focused on explaining existing factors and uncovering new causes. However, there is considerable debate over how much, Psychology, each of the, Psychology, known causes contributes to the development of anorexia. In particular, the contribution of perceived media pressure on women to be thin has been especially contentious.

Anorexia can be difficult to treat. A recent review suggested that less than one-half recover fully, one-third improve, and 20% remain chronically ill.

The first line of treatment for anorexia is usually focused on immediate weight gain, especially with those who have particularly serious conditions that require hospitalization. In particularly serious cases, this may be done under as an involuntary hospital treatment, Psychology, under mental health law, where such legislation exists, Psychology, . In the majority of cases, however, people with anorexia,, Psychology, Psychology, are treated as outpatients, with input from physicians, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and other mental health professionals.

A recent clinical review has suggested that psychotherapy is an effective form of treatment and can lead to restoration of weight and improved psychological and social functioning when compared, Psychology, to simple support or education programs. However, this review also noted that there are only a small number of randomized controlled trials on which to base this recommendation. No specific type of psychotherapy seems to show any, Psychology, overall advantage when, Psychology, compared to other types.

Family therapy has also been found to be an effective treatment for adolescents with anorexia and in particular, a method developed at the Maudsley Hospital is widely used and found to maintain improvement over time.

It is important to note that many recovering underweight people (who are more or less forced, Psychology, against their will into recovery by angry parents or other relatives) often harbour a hateful dislike for those who they feel are robbing them of their treasured emaciation. Often when well-meaning friends or relatives compliment the recoveree on how much healthier they look, the recoverees mind replaces healthy with fat.

Drug treatments, such as SSRI or other antidepressant medication, have not found to be generally effective for either treating anorexia or preventing relapse although there is a lack of adequate research in this area. It is common, however, for antidepressants to be prescribed, often with the intent of trying to treat the associated anxiety and depression.

Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you need more information about anorexia,, Psychology, please consult a qualified physician for the best treatment options available.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reward Yourself for Weight Loss Successes

Author: Michael Bens

Source: articleage.com

Whether you have a little or a lot of weight to lose, you will benefit greatly by some simple behavior modification measures, such as rewarding yourself every time you meet one of your smaller goals. Losing weight is a big challenge for most of us. It requires a lot of hard work to change what might be extremely longstanding habits that we might have acquired. The exercise that is involved, Psychology, in losing a great deal of weight is also very hard work. You need something to keep you going for the long haul. For many people, rewarding, Psychology, themselves at regular intervals throughout the process works very well.

Some diet plans incorporate a 'reward, Psychology,, Psychology, meal', Psychology, once a week or once every ten days. If you are following a restricted diet, this might be the way to go. It's hard to go without you favorite foods on a daily basis. If you know that all restrictions will be lifted at regular times, it might be easier to go without bread or chips or ice cream the rest of the time. This practice is somewhat controversial, however. It depends on some of the psychological reasons behind your particular weight problem. For instance, if eating is like an addiction for you, having an unrestricted meal might be an invitation to binge. You could liken it to an alcoholic, who is unable to have 'just one' beer without triggering the problematic behavior once again. Of course, people with a food, Psychology, addiction, Psychology, have, Psychology, a harder road ahead of them, because unlike alcohol, you can't just 'give up' eating altogether.

If your diet plan includes a reward meal, try it once and see how it works for you. Does it make it easier for you to stick to, Psychology, the diet the rest of the time, or is it that much harder to get back on track afterwards? If so, you might want to rethink you reward system.

Most experts agree that non-food rewards are best for people trying to lose weight, Psychology, . It should be something that is meaningful to you, and that represents the 'new you' in some way. For many women, that might involve buying, Psychology, clothes or a cosmetic or jewelry item that you would not otherwise have bought. You can think of it this way: by losing weight, even if there is an initial outlay of cash, you are also saving yourself money in the long run. Buying and preparing healthy food costs less than restaurant meals and junk food, so that's one way in which you will save. Then, by being healthier, you will be more productive, and you will be productive later in life. Most importantly, perhaps, you will also be healthier, and save on medical costs throughout your life. In light of all this, you are justified in spending a little more on a clothing or luxury item once in a while, to reward yourself for working hard to lose weight.

On the other hand, not all of us - not even all women - are motivated by clothing, cosmetics and jewelry. Your reward can be any non-food item that you choose - a new novel, for example, or theater or concert tickets. When you reach your weight loss goals, you might even want to splurge on a holiday - but try to make it an active holiday, rather than a cruise or resort stay where you have little to do but lie in the sun and eat!

It's a great idea to plan a big reward once you have met your weight loss goals, but it may be even more important to plan smaller, Psychology, rewards more frequently. Make your goals realistic and incremental, and reward yourself whenever you meet one successfully. If you make it easier to feel as though you are 'winning' in the weight, Psychology, loss game, you will likely continue to be successful. This is a type of psychology that seems to work well for everyone, adults and children alike.

So, for example, you might want to reward yourself for exercising, Psychology, three times in a given week, or you might want to attach the reward to having lost a certain amount of weight - but make it a small amount, like a pound or two. Keep in mind that you, Psychology, can reach weight 'plateaus' even when you are following, Psychology, the plan, so it may be better to attach rewards to behavior. By doing so, you are effectively retraining your body and mind so that you can enjoy better health and eating habits in the future.

For more great information visit Gabae Weight Loss the premiere resource for weight loss, diets, nutrition and living a great healthy life style!

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Panic Attacks and Pre/Perinatal Trauma: Why Couldn't It Be a Factor?

Author: Bill Chandler

Source: articlesbase.com

Always trying, Psychology, to learn whatever I can about panic attacks,, Psychology, and always thinking outside of the box, I came upon some interesting information regarding the potential role of prenatal and perinatal happenings in the generation of panic. It’s pretty heady stuff, and I wanted to share it with you.ÂÂFirst of all, let’s get some terminology handled. Prenatal psychology considers the psychological and psychophysiological impact of an individual’s before-birth, Psychology,, Psychology, experience. While perinatal psychology deals with the same impact considerations from the perspective of the birth, and immediately after, experience. The presentation of assorted psychopathology, including panic, due to both prenatal and perinatal experience has been documented in research, as well as in clinical practice. Impacting factors, and some of these are going to come off as really wild, may, Psychology, include… PrenatalImmediate-family emotional traumaAn unplanned or unwanted pregnancySevere maternal emotional traumaHigh levels of maternal stressMaternal substance abuseA violent outside-of-the-womb environment PerinatalA life threatening, or unusually fast or long, laborThe umbilical cord wrapped around the baby’s neckThe baby getting stuck upon deliveryMaternal tension during labor and deliveryAdministration of an anesthetic or labor-inducing medication â€" e.g.: oxytocin (Pitocin)C-section deliveryForceps or vacuum extractionBonding issues with mother and family And while we’re at it, let’s take a look at what, Psychology, a baby may well be, Psychology, experiencing pre and perinatally. By the way, any of these sound like what occurs during a panic attack?Breathing difficultyFeelings of suffocationFeeling trapped with the inability to escapeChest tightnessHeart palpitationsDizzinessNumbnessPhysical painHot and/or burning skin sensationsChills and/or a sensation, Psychology, of being coldGastrointestinal distressFrightFeelings, Psychology, of loss of controlÂI find these, Psychology, considerations intriguing and most plausible. Of course prenatal and perinatal trauma can be retained, Psychology, in memory throughout the lifespan. I mean, why wouldn’t it be possible that our components of memory are operational so early on in life? Finally, it’s no secret that seemingly harmless events in the immediate may trigger thoughts and body sensations whose roots are in the distant past. It all makes perfect sense to me. After doing my research, Psychology, for this section, I went so far as to phone my mother and ask if anything goofy happened before, during, or after my birth adventure. It was really need to know information at the time, though I’m sure my mother believed I was off my rocker. In closing, I’d ask you to ponder these questions...ÂSo, prenatal and perinatal psychology and panic - what did you learn and what do you think? If you’ve ever discussed your prenatal and perinatal experience with either of your parents, or other family members, please note if anything you’ve learned fits with what we’ve reviewed. Also note if such discussions are merited, if they haven’t already taken place. Â

After a life-long bout with panic disorder - and recovery - and a career in the business world, Bill found his life\'s passion, his life\'s work. So he earned his master\'s degree and counseling credentials, and he's now doing all he can to lend a hand to those having a tough time.
Bill authored a panic disorder education and recovery eworkbook entitled, \"Panic! ...and Poetic Justice,\" which is available on his website and online store for immediate download. Also available is information regarding a collection of poems he wrote along his panic disorder and recovery journey entitled, \"The Poetry of My Life.\" Lots of good stuff to see, and more to come.
In addition to doing psychiatric emergency work, Bill continues to do a lot of writing. He's conducted numerous mental health workshops for non-profit organizations and remains available to offer more. Bill is a national and local member of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (N.A.M.I.).

ADHD Diagnosis - How to Know If Your Child Suffers From ADHD

Author: Judy Lane

Source: ezinearticles.com

If you think your kid may have ADHD, don't do self ADHD diagnosis. Instead, seek medical help from a pediatrician, child psychologist or expert immediately. Sometimes, hyperactivity can be mistaken for ADHD when it could be a different, Psychology, case and would need a different attention.

Upon going to the doctor, your child may be required to undergo certain diagnostic tests. ADHD is actually diagnosed, Psychology, based on the observation of the child's behavior patterns and ways and rule out other conditions.

Below is a list of evaluation methods to be used in the diagnosis of ADHD:

• Thorough medical and family background - All information related to the personality of the patient will be checked by the doctor.

• General physical and neurological, Psychology, exam - Since ADHD manifests in the action of the child, it is therefore fitting, Psychology, to undergo physical tests to see the limits of his physical activity. At the same time, since it could also be a mental concern, neurological exams are on the plate to see if there are inconsistencies and irregularities which cause ADHD.

• Comprehensive interview with the parents, the, Psychology, child and the child's teachers - Aside from the medical records, the parents (and maybe other family members), as well as the child's teachers will be interviewed to check on their medical history and if it would, Psychology, have an effect on why the child has these behaviors. Sometimes, these can be caused by psychological factors such as depression, loneliness and insecurity. School is involved because it acts as the child's second home and while there may be no causes of, Psychology, psychological instability at home, it may be triggered in school.

• Standardized screening tools for ADHD - There are certain tests which are more or less determinant of ADHD and these should also form part of the evaluation process.

• Observation of the child - The child would be confined in a room wherein he would be free to do things he wants to do. There may be certain toys and things there that he could use and play with and doctors will be writing down all observed traits at the time of evaluation.

• Variety of psychological tests to measure IQ and social and emotional adjustment - We cannot reiterate the importance of these tests, no matter how time consuming they are. This particular set measures the intelligence and social skills of the child.
Once all these are undergone by the child and ADHD diagnosis has been given, then the next step is to look for treatment. Here are some popular options:

• Love and support of family and, Psychology, friends. Not just love and support but an abundant supply of it. Kids would definitely feel the love and understanding of each member as they, Psychology, battle ADHD.

• Therapies from child psychologists would also do wonders because the child will have an outlet and say what he wants to say with an unbiased person in front of him.

• Medication such as psychostimulants, non-stimulants and off-labels can relieve ADHD. The most popular drug choice is methylphenidate which dates way back the 1930s. But like all medicines, they have side effects and we may or, Psychology, may not feel them while taking the medicines.

• Homeopathic remedies such as natural supplements are starting to make waves in the market. These are because of its natural ingredients, as well as its backed up research which proves that it works effectively.

These natural remedies are becoming more popular, Psychology, because of the use of herbs and plant extracts known, Psychology, to reduce restlessness, over-excitability,, Psychology, constant stimulation, reduce, Psychology, temper tantrums, and sooth nerves. Examples of these are Hyoscyamus, Tuberculinum, Arsen iod and Verta alb. When you see all of these ingredients in a product, you can be assured that it has the trust seal on keeping its promises and make it effective.

Once our child receives ADHD diagnosis, be sure to choose a 100% homeopathic, safe and natural remedy. Read more at http://www.best-natural-adhd-treatment.com

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Author: Jef Gazley

Source: articleage.com

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred, Psychology, anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or abuses occurring over several years such as living in an alcoholic home, Psychology, . It can be recognized from symptoms such as recurrent and persistent recollections of the traumatic event and recurring dreams of the event.

Psychology has made great strides, Psychology, in recent years in the treatment of PTSD. Recent powerful psychology techniques such as Neuro Emotional Technique? or NET™, TFT, and EMDR have proven to be particularly effective in treating this disorder.

The Characteristics of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Include the Following Symptoms:

1. Recurrent and persistent recollections of the traumatic event.

2. Recurrent dreams of the event.

3. Acting or feeling as, Psychology,, Psychology, if the traumatic event is happening all over again.

4. Intense distress related to internal or external events that remind one of the traumatic occurrence.

5. Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma.

6. Efforts to avoid activities, places,, Psychology, or people that might be associated with the trauma.

7. An inability to remember important aspects of the traumatic event.

8. Decreased interest or participation in certain activities.

9. Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others.

10. The inability, Psychology, to have certain feelings.

11. A sense that time is short,, Psychology, and there is no future.

12. Difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.

13. Irritability or angry outbursts.

14. Difficulty concentrating.

15. Hyper-vigilance.

One type of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder develops when frequent abuse occurs in the home. This can have grave consequences for developing relationships in general and intimate relationships in particular.

It is a clich้ that before you can be in a healthy love relationship you at first must be in love with yourself. This is a very true clich้. For someone to be loved they have to love themselves. But to love themselves they have to be first truly loved and cherished by their parents. Parents often feel love for their children, but it is much rarer to show the action of love in a, Psychology, consistent fashion. This means treating a child in a healthy, non-judgmental, Psychology, way. Often parents are too demanding in their expectations or have too many needs of their own, to be able to show that type of love. Even if they do, we live in such a perfectionist culture that children often do not feel that they measure up.

Whenever a child feels abandonment from one or both of their parents they internalize the hurt and the result is a feeling of not being good enough to be loved. This feeling is the feeling of shame. Even if parents are relatively healthy and loving a child can feel tremendous abandonment if their parents get divorced, if a parent is alcoholic, or if they simply work too much and not spend the amount of quality time a child needs. This often leads to a deep emotional belief that they are unlovable.

Later, they might realize on a conscious level that they, Psychology, are loveable and in turn desire real love. Consciously they look for healthy love, but subconsciously they search out those people who are incapable of showing real love. This is called a repetition compulsion. This problem becomes worse if the child has been physically, emotionally, or sexually abused.

They find true love boring and yearn for people to treat them poorly, which ratifies their feeling unlovable. They often become addicted to these abusive relationships, Psychology, and feel that they cannot live without them. They become intensity junkies instead of trying to experience true intimacy. Finding partners who cannot commit is another variation on this theme.

When a child is repeatedly abused in childhood, as is often the case in alcoholic families and families where a parent has sexually abused a child, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder will likely develop in that child. PTSD is traumatic stress that overloads a persons' nervous system. This overwhelming stress creates shock in a person and dissociation between the three major brains and the body/brain. The dissociation also causes repressed energy that cannot be released fully so that the individual returns to balance or homeostasis.

This repressed energy and dissociation causes the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. When a person cannot return, Psychology, to normal functioning they often develop a repetition compulsion in an attempt to resolve the problem.

A repetition compulsion is concept mastery gone awry. Concept mastery is one of the major ways in which human beings learn. If a person is trying to learn a task and does not quite complete it appropriately he or she will have a tendency to keep trying until they figure out the, Psychology, solution to the problem. This healthy tenacity, Psychology, helps us develop and grow as individuals and as a species.

This healthy tenacity however can at times turn into an obsession. This is what occurs in a repetition compulsion. A person will try to solve the problem in the same fashion over and over again without making any changes to their strategy, Psychology, in the fruitless attempt to master the situation. They often become desperate in their attempt to complete the action and solve the problem. They fail to realize that something is wrong with their approach. There is often a blind spot where the solution resides. Instead of looking at the problem in a different fashion and discovering a new, Psychology, way to respond, the person attempts the same technique over and over again which results in repeated failure and frustration.

This psychological dilemma is best illustrated by a sad, but all too common tendency. When, Psychology, a child has been sexually abused by a parent the child will dissociate, which essentially creates a hypnotic, Psychology, experience. The child will remember on some level and in great detail everything that has occurred. He or she will remember how they felt like a victim. They will remember what they were dressed in, the time of day, and the furniture in the room. They will also remember what the abuser was wearing, what, Psychology, tone of voice, Psychology, was used, and a number of other details.

The child will then have essentially two models of behavior. One will be a victim, and the other will be an abuser. This will be especially confusing because the abuser might well be, Psychology, seen, Psychology, as quite loving in other situations. The child will then want to find a black or white answer to their confusion. This concrete and absolute thinking is characteristic of a child's thinking under the age of twelve.

The way a child attempts, Psychology, to resolve this conflict is to internalize the, Psychology, two models. Essentially a civil war, Psychology, develops when one part of the child feels like a good person who has been victimized and the other part acts like the original abuser and tells the child that they are worthless. The problem has no resolution however, because the two sides are usually equally matched.

It sets up a hot spot where increased psychic energy resides. It also sets up a double goal. The child will feel they are loveable and want, Psychology, love, but also feel unlovable and want to be rejected. This conflict will be mostly subconscious. Consciously they will move towards success and love, but usually because of their blind spot they will either act in a way or connect with a person who fulfills their subconscious, Psychology, desire, Psychology, or rather conviction that they are unworthy and either fail or get rejected.

In the failed attempt out of this stalemate they often subconsciously recruit a third person. Although, an abused child will identify with both the abuser and the victim, they usually specialize and follow one model more than the other., Psychology, Therefore, a person who identifies more with the victim is drawn towards an abuser as if by radar and an abuser is drawn towards the victim in like manner. Often, even if aware of their blind spot and consciously trying not to repeat they are invariably drawn into the same snare or repetition compulsion.

NET™ or Neuro Emotional Technique™ theory postulates that we create our own reality and that we are responsible for our own, Psychology, story. This means that even if the story of past abuse when a person is a child is accurate and valid we are still responsible for repeating it if we do not deactivate the repetition compulsion and neutralize the energy that is stuck.

This is why NET™ Neuro Emotional Technique? is so effective for the problem of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and repetition compulsions. PTSD is about delayed grief or to say it another way energy that becomes stuck. A large part of this traumatic energy gets stuck in the body and NET™ is incredibly effective in relieving this energy. It seems to have the effect,, Psychology, Psychology, of allowing the client to reestablish homeostasis and therefore drain the energy and original belief behind the repetition compulsion.

When used in tandem with insight, Psychology, oriented therapy to understand the reason behind the self-destructive behavior, and EMDR to assist in shifting the short term memory loop of the trauma to long term memory,, Psychology, NET™, Psychology,, Psychology, seems to complete homeostasis by bringing the body back into balance. This has been a major breakthrough, Psychology, in the treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

ฉ 2004 Jef Gazley, M.S., LMFT www.asktheinternettherapist.com


JEF, Psychology, GAZLEY, M.S., LMFT, DCC has practiced psychotherapy for over thirty years and is the owner operator of http://www.asktheinternettherapist.com since 1998 and http://www.hypnosistapes4health.com

He, Psychology, is the author of eight mental health educational videos and DVDs and is currently writing a book on distance counseling. Jef is State Licensed in General Counseling,, Psychology, Marriage/Family, and Substance Abuse in Arizona and is a certified hypnotherapist. He is dedicated to guiding individuals to achieving a life long commitment to mental health and relationship mastery. In his private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, Jef specializes in ADD, love addiction, hypnotherapy, dysfunctional families, codependency, trauma, and gay and lesbian issues. He is a trained counselor in EMDR, NET™, TFT, hypnotist, and Applied Kinesiology. His favorite readings are history, biographies, and Russian authors. Jef resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with his partner, Janice.